With his new single "So Much" currently burning the airwaves and prepping for his new album The Phoenix which comes out in early 2011, we just had to ask Raghav his favorite style secrets that makes him rock on and off the stage.
What is your definition of 'style'?
Comfortability and fearlessness. I was walking down the streets of London and saw so many people who looked really great because they were comfortable in what they were wearing which made them comfortable.
The casual look has been on the radar for the past few years. Currently with the fall trends, you see the return of the dapper suited look. Do you feel that it's about time that men embrace the suit or can there be a balance?
It should change based on how you feel. The jackets I wore in the 'So Much' video aren't necessarily things I would have worn before. But at the time they made sense and felt right.
I think that soon there won't be such thing as formal or informal. It will become like music – it's all becoming one specified genre. I was just recently at a millionaire's wedding and saw lots of guys in designer suits and sneakers.
As music is such a visual industry, how much does fashion play its part in this world with respect to marketing yourself as an artist?
Fashion is incredibly important but it's important that you are wearing the clothes and not having the clothes wear you. When I look at an artist and I feel like they have had a bunch of stylist style them I feel like it is just not natural. You want to look like you embrace and emote your style.
Do you feel that your look on stage reflects your personality? If so, how?
Yes, I do. I feel like whatever I have on when I am performing.
Do you find the male style differs from country to country?
Yes, big time. It even changes from city to city in North America. If you go to Iowa and then fly in to Brooklyn, people don't dress the same way.
What are your 5 favorite designers?
Tom Ford, Alexander McQueen, Christian Dior, Vivienne Westwood and J C Castelbajac
Name top 5 things a man should right before they leave the house?
1. Brush your teeth, 2. Take a shower, 3. Say your prayers, 4. Use the bathroom 5. Take your American Express – you're not supposed to leave home without it.
When travelling do you have a checklist/key must have items you need to have with you?
Your passport and your ticket. Everything else can be re-bought.
For a woman the essential item is the little black dress. In your opinion what is the male fashionable equivalent and why?
The male equivalent has got to be a good suit. Every man needs one.
The metrosexual trend has been declining as of late, making its way for a more "manly" look. Thoughts? Can there be a balance?
There is a balance. The balance is just being comfortable.
The male beauty market is quickly expanding with various skin care products offered to the male clientele. Do you have anything that you use?
I use a face cream from L'Occitane called Juniper Bark Cream.
What is your favorite style buy and where was this?
Simple black leather jacket from All Saints
What was your very first designer splurge and why?
A pair of Marc Jacob sunglasses. I got them after my first live show.
Do you have a particular item that you have been eyeing that you would love to add to your wardrobe?
Prada makes a couple of jackets that are absolutely beautiful.
What is the key style advice you have for your fans?
Don't spend too much money. Just be cool. Just be yourself. If someone wears A- wear Z.
Source: youtube.com, wikipedia.com, raghav.com

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...