Thoughts are energy and the mind acts like a magnet, therefore, the mind attracts what you think. According to
The Law of Attraction similar energy attracts similar energy. Energy manifests through your thoughts which in turn attracts corresponding situations and events in your life.
In this manner, positive thoughts attract positive events and negative thoughts attract negative events. It’s not enough to just think positive or negative thoughts for them to manifest. Manifestation also requires strong desire and feelings. So if you repeatedly think about something and add feelings, desire and faith to it, you will attract and manifest your thoughts. We all use this law in our daily lives unconsciously so it’s essential to understand the power of your thoughts.
A positive mindset plays a vital role in your general state of well-being. Positive thinking is beneficial to your health because it plays an important role in stress management. Positive thinkers cope with stressful situations better. They look at the glass as being half full rather than half empty and they are able to handle stressful situations more constructively than pessimists.
How Stress Effects Your Body and Health
Nervous System: Increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol increase your heart rate, blood pressure and glucose levels in the blood.
Cardiovascular System: Stress increases your heart rate and can cause vasodilation and inflammation of the coronary arteries.
Respiratory System: Stress increases your respiratory rate which can lead to hyperventilation and panic attacks.
Gastrointestinal System: Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation can be triggered by stress.
Reproductive System: Excess levels of the stress hormone cortisol can impair testosterone and sperm production in men and can cause irregular and painful menses in women.
Ways to Reduce Stress Levels With a Positive Mindset
• Identify a stressful situation and simply observe your reaction.

• Change your negative thinking into positive thinking with positive self-talk. For example:
Negative self-talk: There’s no way this will work.
Positive self-talk: I will find a way to make this work.
• Self-evaluation: Check yourself each time you encounter a stressful situation and notice how your mind and body reacts to it. If you experience any of the physical signs of stress, such as increased heart rate and respiratory rate, breathe deeply until you feel more relaxed and calm.
• Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people.
• Exercise frequently and maintain a healthy diet. Don’t smoke, and consume alcohol in moderation.
• Laugh often. Laughter is the best medicine and it’s free.
A positive mind generates positive vibes which leads to a healthy lifestyle. Cheers to happy living!
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