All of us know that a balanced diet, regular exercise and ample rest are the keys to a healthy lifestyle and a flat tummy. A toned body needs a little more time and effort.
The key to shaping the perfect abs is going light yet increasing the frequency of workouts in a way that the exercises become part of your daily routine.
Working on the different abdominal groups for ten minutes every day you’ll be ready in no time to show off the contours you’ve been hiding till now.
Things Needed:
Yoga mat (optional)
Part I: Warming Up
Working out first thing in the morning is a great way to jumpstart your day. However, don’t let your enthusiasm make you forget that your abdomen needs to warm up as much as any other muscle of your body.
The Hundred Count
Lie down on your back with arms rested on the side and knees pulled up to a ninety degree angle.
Inhale slowly. Then exhale, bringing the arms straight up in the air, lifting your head and shoulders off the ground. Keep the shoulders parallel to the rest of the body.
Simultaneously push your legs out making a 45 degree angle with the ground.
Move your arms up and down 100 times in quick, small pulsing motions inhaling and exhaling in rotation after every 5 pulses. You should be able to feel the effect of these movements on your abdomen.
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Part II: Floor Exercises
These exercises focus strongly on core control and the lower abdomen.
Leg Drop
Lie down on the floor with your back to the ground. Keep your hands under your head. Stretch the elbows out so wide that they can’t be seen. Your legs should be placed together, raised towards the ceiling.
Lift your head and shoulders off the ground taking the position of a crunch.
Inhale as you slowly lower your legs until they’re only a few inches off the floor.
Keep your back pressed to the floor and slowly exhale while raising your legs to the position in which you had started.
Repeat the exercise ten times in slow motion.
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Flutter Kicks
Lie down on the floor with your hands on your sides.
Press your palms on the floor, lifting your head and shoulders off the ground.
Lift your legs a few inches off the floor until you can feel the pressure in your lower abdomen.
Alternately yet quickly, kick both your legs up and down in a scissoring motion.
Repeat four times in sets of twenty.

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Lie down with your back to the ground. Keep your hands under your head, elbows out wide enough so that they can’t be seen and knees bent at a 90 degree angle.
Elevate your head and shoulders off the ground creating tension in the muscles of your abdomen as you draw one knee in towards your chest while twisting your torso to touch the elbow on the opposite side of the knee with it.
Kick out with the other leg at the exact same time.
Alternate sides and kick legs in a pedaling motion.
Be watchful of pulling your neck while doing this routine. Keep your eyes focused on a point on the horizon beyond your knees and tuck your tongue into the roof of your mouth.
Repeat twelve times.

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Part III: Push Up Exercises
Repeat these three exercises in rotation, performing each one for thirty seconds for duration of three minutes. Use a stopwatch to help you keep time. These moves will not only tone your abs but also work on your glutes, arms and back. Beginners can keep your knees on floor. If you’re really ambitious, you can continue for a full five minutes!
Mountain Climbers:
Start in a push up position keeping your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart from each other.
Pull one foot inwards so that the knee is at the chest level and the legs are in a lunge position.
Alternate the movement of the feet rapidly as if running in a static position.
Repeat as many times as you can for 30 seconds
Pic credit: fitnessblogger
Start the exercise in a push up position with your hands on the floor and about shoulder-width apart.
Keep the abdominal muscles tensed and keep your body parallel to the floor. The butt should not be more elevated than the rest of the body.
Maintain the position for 30 seconds.
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Crunches & Lifts
Lie face up in a basic crunch position with hands under the head. The elbows should be bent and stretched wide.
Keep your lower back on the ground and pressing your abs down, keep your legs together and lift them until your toes point to the ceiling.
Maintain this position, simultaneously crunching up by bringing the head and shoulder blades off the ground. Concurrently start pulling your abs tight so as to lift your hips off the ground.
Rest and repeat for 30 seconds.

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PART IV: Cooling Down
This Yoga move is the best way to stretch the abdomen and the spine along with balancing your breathing.
Cobra Stretch
Lie down on your stomach, placing your hands on the floor palms-down so that your hands are positioned directly below your shoulders.
Slowly push up, inhaling, arching your back and lifting your upper body away from the floor so that your head faces the ceiling.
Gently turn your head to look left, then right before finally pausing at the center, slowly exhaling all the while before sliding down again.
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Try these exercises and share your photos with us. Shake It ladies!
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