A Spirit That Is Starving To Be Fed
Spiritual anorexia means living without balance, when material and physical concerns are over-attended-to and spiritual concerns are neglected. The origin of spiritual anorexia is adopting fear-based limiting beliefs.
You have spiritual anorexia if you're spending most of your time lost, confused, and directionless, in poor relationships (especially with yourself), and in search of a deeper meaning of your life. You typically have thoughts like, “There must be something out there that’s better for me but I just don’t know what that is.” You have difficulties knowing what real love feels like. You may feel numb or nothing at all. You have a hard time looking at yourself in the mirror because you don’t like what you see. There’s no sparkle in your eyes and you go from one day to the next existing, but not living. You are the walking dead.
Spiritual anorexia can be the source of many issues, which can lead to:
addictive behaviours
eating disorders
choosing unsuitable partners
weight gain
excessive spending
feelings of loneliness or “being in a funk”
All of these are the result of a disconnection from your spirit.
The Western approach to spiritual deficit has resulted in the Michael Kors, Coach, Gucci and Louis Vuitton solutions. Though this does wonders for your wardrobe and may even impress some friends, it has a very temporary effect on your happiness and may put a dent in your bank account. Sufferers of spiritual anorexia are constantly looking for external solutions to internal problems.
“I’d be happier if I…"
lost weight
had more money
went shopping
took a holiday
were in a relationship
Your physical body and your environment are always a reflection of how you feel on the inside. Simply put, when you feel good, you are likely to make healthier decisions, look better and have positive relationships. When you are feeling poor, the opposite is true. In fact, who hasn’t reached for the tub of Häagen-Dazs after a bad break-up? We’ve all been there. However, spiritual anorexia is the result of chronic neglect of your spirit.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You can’t separate your spirit from your body. You can live a spirit-fed life by choosing love and putting love into everything you do. Your spirit is also the driving force toward all that is for your greater good. But it must be nurtured. It must be fed. Your spirit is connected to your heart. All thoughts and actions that are heart-centred will always feed your spirit.
In the Western world, South Asians have lost much of their spiritual practice. There’s a myth that assumes that if you are South Asian, you must be spiritual. I find it ironic that North Americans flee to countries like India to discover the path of spirituality. Yet many South Asians that have come to live in Western countries have lost a practice that is an inherent part of their origin. However, your spiritual practice must serve you in your own existing home, wherever that may be. A spiritual practice is personal, and there is no right or wrong way to be spiritual. It starts with you right where you are now.
Spirituality 101
A common question I get asked is, “Farhan, how do I become more spiritual?” Taking a course or workshop or spending a month in an ashram does not make you more spiritual. Spirituality requires a daily practice that is a part of your way of life. It’s actually far simpler than you think.
Being spiritual is:
knowing that you are a spiritual being having a human experience
a state of mind and being
how we live our lives, our thoughts, and actions
how we love ourselves and love others
You can easily adopt a daily spiritual practice to help feed your spirit with these simple steps.
Write down three things each morning that you are grateful for.
Meditate for two minutes daily.
Yes! Tell yourself how wonderful you are and include all your strengths and qualities.
Put love into everything you do and do things that you love.
It will help rejuvenate your body too.
Serving others selflessly is an act that benefits everyone.
What are other ways you can feed your spirit?
The path towards spirituality is all too simple. It not need be complex as most people think. By following the steps above, I hope that you or anyone can create more happiness in life. By feeding your spirit on a regular basis, you can be sure to see a difference in all your relationships, including your relationship with yourself. By connecting to your spirit, you will be guided to make all the changes necessary to live a life that is truly fulfilling in every way.
Angel blessings to all!
feature Image: esotericteachings.org
Farhan Dhalla
Spiritual Personal Trainer, Angel Therapist, Author, Television Personality Farhan is the world’s first Spiritual Personal Trainer. Farhan believes we can only succeed in any our life goals when we are in alignment with our spiritual Self. Farhan uses unique techniques to he...