Mindful Mantra: Key Ways To Search Inside Yourself To Get Ready For The New Year
Lifestyle Dec 19, 2018
With the time for New Year resolutions quickly approaching, is it important to reflect inwards? Can “searching inside yourself” foster a deeper connection with your thoughts and feelings lead to other benefits? Yes! Don’t believe us? Even Google promotes this practice; read on to learn more about the Search Inside Yourself program. Check out our key ways to search inside yourself to get ready for the New Year.
The past decade has seen a heightened interest and increased awareness on the importance and the benefits of creating time and space for self-reflection, emotional intelligence (EI) and mindfulness. Several factors including evolving technology, neuroscience political changes, social movements and a worldwide increase in mental illness can account for the heightened curiosity on what we can do to increase positive experiences in our own lives and raise the conscious collective.
People are beginning to better understand how interconnected all aspects of life are; the old “emotions do not belong at work” philosophies are being replaced with an appreciation for a more holistic approach to work/life living. Aspects of EI are now recognized as being trainable and is being more recognized as an important part of cognitive development and personal, long-term success.
What does Google have to do with it?
Google, generally known for being on the cutting edge of technology and modernization, was one of the larger organizations that first began to create space for training programs around EI and mindfulness. Designed by Chade-Meng Tan and Daniel Goleman, the Search Inside Yourself, started as a workplace course at Google in 2007 and evolved into an international training program (and separate non-profit organization) by 2012.

What is the Search Inside Yourself (SISYS) program?
A two-day training program, followed by a 4-week virtual practice and webinar, it’s designed to educate on how and why both EI and mindfulness are beneficial in all aspects of life. Providing participants tools and practices they can use to strengthen both, it describes itself as “born by Google and based on Neuroscience” due to it’s inclusion of evidence-based data that shows the positive impact training of this nature can have. With a focus on teaching people more on empathy, compassion and introspective learning, the program gathers feedback to measure its effectiveness. Some of the outcomes for participants include decreased stress levels, an increase in their ability to remain calm and an enhanced level focus. These outcomes can lead to strengthened relationship management skills, creative and innovative thinking.
Who can/should take the SISYS training?
Available to individuals around the world through in-person and online training, the program can be beneficial to adults of all education levels and professional aspirations. An international success, over 20 000 people from all over the world have completed the training program and the numbers continue to rise.
Courses are available to individuals and organizations with options of joining an already scheduled session or requesting training to a group of your own (prices vary based on your selection).

Looking for options other than the training?
If the training isn’t feasible for you, the co-founder of the program (Chade-Meng Tan) has written a great book called Search Inside Yourself that can serve as an alternative option for those wanting to learn more about “the unexpected path to achieving success, happiness and world peace.” The book is an international best-seller and has even received feedback from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
If books aren’t your style, there’s still no need to worry! Chade-Meng has also delivered a Ted Talk called “Everyday compassion at Google” available free of charge here.
Looking for options not related to Google?
Thousands of training, tools and books are available on mindfulness and emotional intelligence beyond the SIYS program. That being said, it’s a good idea to do light research into the aspects of introspective, emotional intelligence or mindfulness training that appeal to you and find a program that excites you!
To help you get started on the introspective learning front, check-out some reflective questions you can ask yourself here. For more on mindfulness including tips on how to integrate it into relationships, finances and other key areas of life, check-out our collection of mindful living articles here.
Main Image Photo Credit: www.healthveda.com

Rachna Sethi
Rachna (@thesassyspiritual) is a graduate of the Applied Mindfulness Meditation program from the University of Toronto, a certified Educator with two bachelor degrees and a diploma in Art Therapy. She's dedicated to living with a compassionate approach. Committed to helping people integrate Mindfuln...