When it comes to looking for spiritual guidance sometimes, you don’t need to go far from home. That was was the case for me as I had a wonderful chance to learn from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar during his stop in Toronto. Thanks to that insightful evening I’ve put together three key spiritual tips from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar that you need to know!
Packing a bag for a peaceful getaway at a spiritual retreat as mentioned in “Check In and Zen Out At a Spiritual Retreat That’s Made For You” can give us a priceless experience but unfortunately, even the most modest retreat can bear heavy on the purse strings. Want to learn but worried about cost? Rest your mind because we’ve got you covered!
Committed to sharing mindful, spiritual perspectives and practices, we recently attended Unveiling Infinity, the Art of Living event led hosted around the globe and led by spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (often referred to as Sri Sri) who founded the NGO in 1981 in a humanitarian effort to highlight the importance of ethical leadership and cultivate peaceful living.

Inspired by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who creates a joyful experience with his ability to infuse humor in practical, spiritual teachings, we share three insights from the insightful three evening event:
- Live with a light-heart: In an ever-changing world, many are feeling pulled in several directions and stress levels are on the rise. Sri Sri’s advice to cultivate more joy in our lives is to remind ourselves to take things lightly. Babies, Sri Sri explains, smile over 300 times per day while the average adult smiles less than 17. According to Sri Sri, as we grow cultural expectations and social conditioning guide us to think we must be reserved to be considered dignified. Sri Sri encourages us to return to our childlike nature, where an abundance of joy is celebrated. We must let go of the idea that being serious will make us more successful and reconnect with the light hearted nature we’re born with.

- Embrace feelings of emptiness: Why in a smart phone filled world where people can be reached at all times do we still sometimes feel alone? Why has the United Kingdom appointed a Minister of Loneliness in an effort to reduce feelings of isolation/emptiness that many feel? Sri Sri reminds us that the root of suffering is expectation; what leads to feeling a void is the expectation that we will/should be happy once we “have it all” (family, career, etc.). Using humoristic charm, Sri Sri describes the void as a ghost we fear; the more we run from it, the more it haunts us. The way to fill the void, is by embracing it; stop and shake hands with the ghost; once we give ourselves permission to feel what we feel without judgment and expectation, our voids will naturally fill with feelings of self-love and bliss.
- Question less to worry less: When faced with challenges, the more we question, the more likely we are to be disappointed by the lack of answers. For example, next time someone hurts you, instead of demanding to know why they hurt you, accept there may be no definite answer; it’s likely the person is hurting themselves and may/may not be aware of their own pain. Sri Sri reminds us that we may not be able to control how others treat us but we can always control our reaction; pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Instead of dispensing energy into seeking answers that we may not find, we should put that energy towards meditation which can help us cultivate feelings of acceptance, peace and joy.
Main Image Photo Credit: Unveiling Infinity, The Art of Living

Rachna Sethi
Rachna (@thesassyspiritual) is a graduate of the Applied Mindfulness Meditation program from the University of Toronto, a certified Educator with two bachelor degrees and a diploma in Art Therapy. She's dedicated to living with a compassionate approach. Committed to helping people integrate Mindfuln...