“The Four Agreements” Tells You The Four Promises You Need To Make ASAP For Peaceful Living
Lifestyle Aug 22, 2018
Can you imagine writing a practical, spiritual book so educational and inspiring that it sells over six million copies, gets featured by Oprah Winfrey and stays on the New York Times bestseller list for eight years? Written over 20 years ago, author Don Miguel Ruiz has reached a level of success with his book The Four Agreements that many dream of. We explore the book’s four promises you need to make ASAP for peaceful living.
So how does a book written in 1997 inspired by ancient Toltec wisdom remain so relevant? Does the spiritual based content live up to the hype around it being a timeless piece or is it just another case of clever marketing to capitalize on the ever-growing self-help book trend?
After reading the book we’re here to assure you it lives up to the hype!

We recommend The Four Agreements as a staple on everyone’s bookshelf however, we understand you may not be able to read it right away. Check out our summary on the book’s four priceless agreements/promises to help you with peaceful living.
Be impeccable with your word. Never underestimate the power, positivity and in some cases pain that can come along with language we use and commitments we make. The importance of navigating through life with integrity is the basis behind this agreement. For example, when we gossip it can be hurtful to others so why engage in it? The importance of living with integrity is highlighted in several faiths. In Hinduism for example, through the concept of karma we learn that essentially whatever actions/energy we put out will be returned to us; if we spread rumours about others, in some way that hurt will return to us. The Golden Rule (treat others how you want to be treated) is a moral code found in many faiths around the world.

Don’t take anything personally. What other people do is not always about us. This agreement takes a positive approach to humanity; people are not essentially designed to be hurtful but sometimes behave that way due to lack of knowledge, or their own fears (e.g. extremely competitive people may not be trying to pull you down, they may be trying to lift themselves up due to feelings of inadequacy). Acceptance of this agreement is powerful; it can support in reducing our own suffering while encouraging us to live with empathy and compassion.

Don’t make assumptions. Things are not always as they seem. This agreement is about encouraging us to be brave and ask questions when we seek clarity. It supports positive communication by reminding us to be mindful when we speak; others may not understand something the way we articulate so it’s important to be clear and patient in our interactions.
Always do your best. This agreement isn’t about being perfect, it’s about committing to do the best you can under the circumstances (which may change from moment to moment). When we can honestly say to ourselves that we’re doing our best, it becomes easier to accept and love ourselves as imperfect individuals (we are perfectly imperfect).
The Four Agreements can take time to master but can be transformative! Approach them with patience; through their continued practice, we can improve the level of peace and joy we experience in life.
Main Image Photo Credit: www.indiatimes.com

Rachna Sethi
Rachna (@thesassyspiritual) is a graduate of the Applied Mindfulness Meditation program from the University of Toronto, a certified Educator with two bachelor degrees and a diploma in Art Therapy. She's dedicated to living with a compassionate approach. Committed to helping people integrate Mindfuln...