Emerging Talents and Established Icons: Celebrate South Asian Heritage Month with Us!
Entertainment May 01, 2024

Rianjali, a former case manager for domestic violence, stumbled upon her ‘pinch me’ moment when she caught the eye of Oscar-winning musician A.R. Rahman, known for his work in Slumdog Millionaire, and was invited to collaborate with him. She has worked alongside renowned artists like U2, Bishop Briggs, and Shawn Mendes. Her journey is quite unconventional, marked by chance encounters, familial challenges, and struggles with vocal polyps. However, despite these obstacles, she has emerged as a prominent figure, particularly within the South Asian community. Her collaborations with A.R. Rahman include projects such as the award-winning Netflix documentary Daughters of Destiny, Amazon Prime’s Harmony, and the virtual reality film Le Musk. She has also ventured into film production with her company Mild Mannered & Timid, and one of their productions even won the South Asian Film Festival of America. Currently, she is two years into producing her first feature documentary, with Vanessa Roth serving as executive producer. Rianjali’s journey reflects her passion for film and music, as she continues to carve her niche in this unexpected realm. Rianjali’s path seems destined for the world of music.

Despite being rejected from Canadian Idol, Jonita Gandhi’s journey proves nothing can deter one from reaching their ultimate destination. For her, that destination was the enchanting realm of music. I’ve enjoyed hearing Jonita Gandhi sing on Yonge Street in Downtown Toronto. Her voice is truly captivating, and she has delivered some unforgettable Bollywood hits. In the past ten years, Jonita Gandhi has risen to Bollywood stardom, contributing hit songs such as, What Jhumka, Arabic Kuthu – Halamithi Habibo, The Break Up Song, etc. Born in New Delhi, India, and raised in Brampton, Ontario, she straddles two cultural worlds, and her single, Love Like That, featuring Pakistani-American songwriter and composer Ali Sethi, beautifully blends American pop with Indian folk influences. Jonita recently crossed paths with Ed Sheeran in Mumbai, sparking speculation about a potential collaboration between the two incredible artists. One of my personal favourites is It Is What It Is (Madhaniya). I’m certain you’ll be captivated by her soulful vocals.

Mehak Kapoor | Features Editor - Entertainment
Mehak Kapoor (@makeba_93) is an entertainment and lifestyle journalist with over a decade of experience in anchoring and content creation for TV and digital platforms. Passionate about storytelling and factual reporting, she enjoys engaging with diverse audiences. Outside of work, she finds solace i...