In Honour Of International Women’s Day Our Founder Asked 12 Women: “What Woman In History Has Inspired Your True North!”
Cover Stories Mar 08, 2024
In Honour Of International Women’s Day Our Founder Asked 12 Women (and herself):
“What Woman In History Has Inspired Your True North!”
My entire life has been inspired by women throughout history who have moved the needle in gender equity – a feat more challenging than it sounds, because the world order has been manufactured predominantly by men (check the leaders of most world religions, countries and corporations, where the power lies), for the advancement of the male quotient.
I know you’ve heard this before and may glass over its importance because it doesn’t immediately affect your life (be honest, if this isn’t you, it’s someone close to you that you know). Every person, woman or man has the ability to effect positive change in equalling the playing field, be it in how we nurture our children to how we cultivate corporate culture, and everything in between.
Me? For my small part in the movement, I’ve pushed, pulled, prodded, and revolved around equity initiatives as an integral part of my value system all of my life, because it has been front row and centre in many aspects – whether as a victim to it or whether I’ve advocated for it.
Duly, I’ve made it my life’s mission to be intentionally grounded in many acts of equity advancement – gender, culture, social, economic, religious, and life. From little acts like mothering my plants, my furbabies, and my one and only son (because for me, they are equal in the journey of life in how they lift up my heart), to big acts like everything I have ever spearheaded professionally – ANOKHI, THE OPEN CHEST CONFIDENCE ACADEMY, THE GLAM TEMPLE MEDSPA (because they can evoke communal equity).
Why? Because equity is not a theoretical choice, but an actionable necessity for all of us to equally have the opportunity to better our lives, those of our loved ones, and those of the communities that we work and live in.
As a British born Asian, Canadian landed immigrant, BIPOC, divorced, single-parent, and female (phew), I’m used to labels, so when this year’s International Women’s Day campaign theme of INSPIRE INCLUSION launched, it landed deeply.

An except explaining this year’s theme on the official IWD website:
“When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment. The #InspireInclusion campaign aims to forge a more inclusive world for women.”
CLICK HERE for this year’s IWD theme’s full description.
In support of the IWD 2024 theme of #InspireInclusion, I decided to pen this article as a homage in honour of some of the diverse, empowered women who I currently work with in varying capacities – either as my core team, in business partnerships, or in collaborative initiatives. I asked 12 of them to share a quote from a women in history (dead or alive), who inspires them towards their True North and this is what they had to say (in alphabetical order), starting with me . . .

Remember, advocacy of any kind it not a seasonal act, but a lifelong dedication to what’s right, honest, and necessary to change the world order to a more equitable flow of mutually beneficial energy exchange. What else is life, but an ebb and flow of energy exchange that’s steeped in who tugs the hardest . . . so tug on your right to be seen, heard, and valued for who you are, and advocate for those who don’t have the resources that you have to do the same. Together, we WILL change the efficacy of self will to empower women if we are in it to will it, work it, and win it!
Photo Credit: Instagram (unless stated otherwise)

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/