September is here. And that means back to school, back to business, and back to work. What better time to get back to basics than the fresh start that September ushers in? Let’s declare September ‘Self-care’ month with intention.
This month we will be focusing on how to reboot, refresh or revitalize our self-care. Together we can take caring for ourselves — mind, body, and spirit — to a whole new level. There’s no time like the present to start factoring yourself into the equation of your life and putting your needs right where they belong, at the top of your list. Let’s talk about your self-care and you!
Dr. Monica Vermani is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in treating trauma, stress and mood & anxiety disorders, and the founder of Start Living Corporate Wellness. She is a well-known speaker and author on mental health and wellness. Her upcoming book, A Deeper Wellness, is scheduled for publication in 2021. Please visit:
Dr. Vermani has recently launched an exciting online self-help program, A Deeper Wellness, delivering powerful mental health guidance, life skills, and knowledge that employees can access anywhere, anytime at www.
We live in a wildly unpredictable world, one that often asks more of us than is reasonable or healthy. Some say that a society that places more value on profits and possessions than the quality of life is not a healthy proposition … and that being well adjusted to a sick society is not in our best interests. Integrating quality self-care into our lives is a powerful way to reconnect and reinvigorate ourselves, mind, body, and soul.
Self-care may sound like nothing more than a passing trend, fad, or buzzword, but in reality, it isn’t any of those things. Self-care is a commitment to ourselves, a promise to factor ourselves into the equation of our own lives. When you start taking care of yourself you start feeling better, you start looking better, and you begin to act and attract better. It all starts with setting an intention to take care of yourself… and putting your needs first, rather than sacrificing your time and energy and leaving yourself last on your list of priorities.
Why We Sacrifice Ourselves
The road to self-sacrifice is paved with good intentions. We often sacrifice ourselves to meet deadlines, help others, show others we love and care for them by going above and beyond to help them. We over-extend, over-promise, and exhaust ourselves so often and so much, that we don’t even realize how tired and stressed we are. At the end of the day, we’re tired, angry and dissatisfied with ourselves. We reach for a quick fix to feel better, over-indulge in habits and behaviors that offer temporary relief or distraction, but do not make things better.
When the day is done, we’re often too tired to sleep … and we wake up the next day and do it all over again. The solution … bringing in quality self-care that sustains us and ensures that we factor ourselves into the equation of our lives!

Self-care Owner’s Manual
Unlike a shiny new vehicle, we don’t come with an owner’s manual. But if we did, we’d all have the basic knowledge and wisdom to fuel ourselves with fresh, high-quality, nutrition-rich foods. We would know to keep problematic behaviors and habits in check. We would appreciate that we are not defined by our traumas, our failures, and our mistakes. We would know how to talk to ourselves with kindness and compassion, and to challenge our negative beliefs and self-defeating thoughts.
We’d know that our bodies require a good eight hours of restful, uninterrupted sleep each night, to repair, relax and restore our energies. And we would make sure that we get it! We’d understand that taking time alone and apart each day to do things that bring us joy is not self-indulgent, it’s necessary for restoring our sense of self-connectedness and peace of mind!
We would realize that overburdening ourselves by taking on more than we can handle leads to burnout and exhaustion. We would come to understand that sometimes, through our compassion for others, we abandon our own needs. We would realize that we need to start saying no to others when we need to take care of ourselves. We would bring in as much compassion for ourselves as we have for others.
In short, if we came with an owner’s manual, we would make sure to factor ourselves and our own needs into the equation of our lives.

A challenging month of meaningful change
Throughout Self-care September, I’ll be sharing video self-care tips and tricks, and challenging you to do one thing just for yourself each day. I’ll ask you to share your experiences, insights, and feelings along the way. And everyone who joins in on the discussion will be entered into a draw to win one of 10 free copies of my new book, A Deeper Wellness, How to heal your past, deal with your present and take control of your future.
All month long, in our online articles and meditations, we’ll go beyond typical self-care subject matter, and delve into healing our past, dealing with the problems we’re facing today, and creating an authentic and fulfilling future. We’ll explore emotional intelligence and talk about how to enrich and expand this valuable form of thinking, being, and interacting with others in our lives. We’ll look at how to put our problems on the table, and identify our problematic physical symptoms, negative thoughts (cognitions), and maladaptive behaviors.
Let’s make this September a month of meaningful change. Let’s make a commitment and promise to ourselves, to bring in self-care. Let’s stop existing, and start living!
Dr. Monica Vermani’s 5 steps for daily self-care
Make quality a priority in your life. Quality food, rest, and time to connect with friends and family feeds, repairs and restores the body, mind, and spirit
Pay attention to your thoughts. Challenge negative self-talk, fears, and feelings of inadequacy
Be as nice to yourself as you are to others. We’re often our harshest critics and most relentless worst enemies.
Start saying no to requests to help others when you are running on empty, or don’t have the time to take care of your own needs.
Do one nice thing for yourself, every day. Do something that makes you happy and allows you to reconnect with you, every day. Treat yourself. Listen to your favorite song. Sit in silence. Read a book. Take a bubble bath. Play the piano. Eat a peach. Talk to your dog, or cat! Doing at least one thing you enjoy is a great way to start to reconnect with yourself every single day.
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Dr. Monica Vermani
Dr. Monica Vermani is a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in treating trauma, stress, mood & anxiety disorders and is the founder of Start Living Corporate Wellness. Her book, A Deeper Wellness, is coming out in 2021.