Peloton Instructor Aditi Shah Teams Up With Tesher To Bring A Diwali-Inspired Playlist
Lifestyle Nov 04, 2021
Peloton instructor Aditi Shah decided to take her Diwali celebrations to the next level. Today just in time for Diwali, she launched a new playlist for her class by teaming up with friend and Canadian rapper Tesher (famous for his viral hit “Jalebi Baby”). In an exclusive interview, Shah gives us all the deets on the type of musical journey to expect in her next class!
Since helping to launch Peloton’s yoga and meditation classes in 2018, and being a Pilates instructor with Peloton since they launched Peloton Pilates in 2020, Aditi Shah has been one of the regular faces known to the Peloton community. Having been recognized as one of New York City’s best instructors, she brings her creativity to the forefront by teaming up with Tesher to create a Diwali playlist for her Pilates class which launches today, on Diwali!

“Diwali is celebrated all over the world across South Asian and diaspora communities by both young and old alike,” Tesher told ANOKHI. “Despite this cultural diversity, the constant is always good music. I worked with Aditi Shah and Peloton to curate a playlist for Aditi’s Diwali Pilates class that will allow people to experience the variety of sounds and genres that fuel Diwali parties, whether it’s classic Bollywood hits, hip-hop jams, or even EDM bangers. Happy Diwali!”
Here’s more from Aditi:
Hina P. Ansari: How did this idea of doing a Diwali-inspired playlist for your Pilates class come to fruition?
Aditi Shah: I’m really excited to elevate and showcase South Asian artists and contributors as much as I can. Also I like to acknowledge and celebrate parts of our culture that are really special and exciting like Diwali. I’m always on the lookout for an opportunity to celebrate our culture.

HPA: Tell me about how your collaboration with Tesher came to be?
AS: I recently did an event where I met Tesher and his manager. It turns out we have a lot of people in common. I brought this up as an idea. Tesher in particular with his Tik Toks and his collaboration with Jason Darulo, is someone who is very of-the-moment and exciting. I was like “this is so fun”, and this is in the spirit of a fun Diwali class.
HPA: Tell me about the creative process?
AS: Tesher has a lot of remixes and 2 songs right now. We thought it was fun to put together a collaborative playlist. The playlist has songs that are English that samples South Asian music, some Bollywood and South Asian artists. We literally sat at a table and created a playlist together.
HPA: What should the Peloton user expect when they sign up for your Diwali-inspired Pilates class.
AS: It’s all about having fun (laughs). I feel that this class is an opportunity to share that celebration and joy.
Check out Aditi’s Diwali Pilates class by signing up (there’s a 2 month free trial period as well) on www.onepeloton.com
Main Image Photo Credit: www.onepeloton.com, www.twitter.com

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...