As South Asians we simply love piling into the car and heading out on a road trip especially in the long weekend-filled summer. Whether it is a solo trip or a trip with family or friends, making sure you’re stocked up for the long haul is key to keeping the road trip fun and moving. Check out what you need to make your road trip simply rad!
Directions, refreshments, yummy snacks and comfort are the keys to a good trip. Keeping those bases covered will start the trip off right, and will make room for the good times to roll.
If you’re anything like me and your cell phone has become an untethered appendage, ensuring it’s completely juiced up will alleviate any on the road anxiety, especially if it’s being relied on for directions. Best Buy stocks some great options to keep you going on the road, including chargers and cables.

Depending on how far you’re going, there is a possibility someone may get tired, or chilly. Pack a couple pillows or blankets just in case that arises. They also come in handy if someone gets restless and needs to shift, use a pillow or roll up the blanket to provide that extra support. If the trip is spanning over a couple days, or you need to take a power nap, there are some ait mattresses sized specifically for the back seats of cars to provide a little more ease when sleeping.

Chances are you or another car mate is bound to get snacky or thirsty. Whether I’m on foot, road tripping or taking transit to work, a reusable water bottle is my go-to travel buddy. Food containers have taken a page from the stainless-steel water bottle tech. There are lunch box options available that will keep foods hot or cold for several hours, enough to make a dent in the travel timing before having to stop for a meal break.

If your looking for some road trip friendly snacks, an a spice nut mix treat is a great basis for a spicy trail mix and a tart mint nimbu pani is a refreshing drink to keep you awake and perky on the drive.
- 2 cups lightly salted mixed nuts
- 1 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
- 1 Tbs. finely chopped peeled fresh ginger
- 1 tsp. garam masala
- 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
- 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper

- 1/4 cups mint leaves
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 5 tbsp lemon juice
- 500 ml water

Geeta Wahab
Cultivating a life she loves, Geeta (@geets.suites) is chasing all her passions, including her love for home décor. As a brand new home owner, her current journey has launched her further into that world - check out her Instagram @geets.suites for tidbits of her story and other decorating pieces. A...