To continue to stay plugged in and celebrate our global Desi community, we at ANOKHI MEDIA decided it was time for a refresh, a rebrand — ANOKHI LIFE and yes, a radio podcast —ANOKHI UNCENSORED!
ANOKHI MEDIA, North America’s longest running multimedia, multi-platform brand about South Asian pop culture, lifestyle, and entertainment, is pleased to announce a re-brand, marking this as it’s 4th iteration since its inception in 2002. The brand will now be known as ANOKHI LIFE, while its long standing sub-brands will remain the same (Magazine, List, Awards, Prestige Experience, Pulse TV, and Spotlight TV).

True to form, Instagram Stories was where the sneak peek announcement was made on Tuesday August 27th, during our team photo and video shoot to mark the occasion, with the pending launch of the “I Am” campaign to highlight the core message of the company’s fourth iteration.
“As a brand strategist with a 20-year marketing and promotions background, my job as the company’s navigator, is to ensure that our collective efforts internally and externally are always striving to maintain one, key goal – to be relevant to our community’s lives as it relates to pop culture, lifestyle, and entertainment,” explained Raj Girn, Founder and CEO. “Every piece of content, event, collaboration, partnership, and product that we create and curate, is geared towards this one single goal.”
She continued, “I have seen a number of key changes occur within our community since ANOKHI came into being, and each time, we have made the necessary adjustments to accommodate the changing tides. The first change is from ANOKHI VIBE to ANOKHI MAGAZINE, second change is to ANOKHI MEDIA, and third change now, is to ANOKHI LIFE.” And finally, Girn added “The “I Am” campaign will be launched next week to highlight the individuality of our varied voices, which collectively make up the life force of the South Asian community. Hence, the name change from ‘media’ to ‘life’, where our focus will go from creating platforms to speak, to creating opportunities to be heard.”

The historical journey of our brand has witnessed 4 notable markers of change:
ANOKHI VIBE: Established in 2002 to capture the ‘vibe’ of an emerging Desi identity in North America, that was different from that of the motherland. This predominantly targeted the college and university crowd, who were the ones forging this new identity forward, with one foot in their Eastern culture and one foot in the Western culture where they lived.
ANOKHI MAGAZINE: Then in 2004 the shift to focus on story-telling as to create awareness for the surfacing of a new culture amalgamation between Eastern and Western philosophies and lifestyle took place. This predominantly focused on the story of the Gen-X experience.
ANOKHI MEDIA: In 2013 — to amplify the many contributions of and from the community —an expansion was in order to address ways in which the community was being reached, due to it now being present across many online platforms. The quarterly, print, glossy magazine, morphed into a magazine blog, with the additions of online TV, gala events, and social + e-communities. This predominantly focused on the well-established Gen-X and emerging Millennial experiences.
ANOKHI LIFE: And now. So that we’re able to go deeper than ever before into the present, where more sub identities exist within the community than ever before, coupled with a vastly integrated, global community with rapid demand changes and an ever-growing footprint worldwide. These diverse contributions and voices have re-identified what makes up today’s South Asian community, along with its substantial contribution to mainstream society in North America and beyond. It’s no longer about who or where we are, it’s now about the positive changes that we are affecting regionally, nationally, and internationally. We will focus on the community on a whole, as it relates to pop culture, lifestyle, and entertainment.

Three initial changes have been identified to reflect the re-brand:
MAGAZINE BLOG: The categories of the magazine blog have been streamlined to incorporate the following categories: Culture & Lifestyle, Work Life, What Pisses Me Off!, Beauty, Fashion, and Showbiz.
The magazine’s editor-in-chief, Hina P. Ansari said: “I am very excited to be a part of ANOKHI LIFE. This current evolution of the ANOKHI brand is a testament to our longevity due to our ability to adapt to the cultural shifts that surround us. At ANOKHI, we prioritize celebrating our Desi community. Now as ANOKHI LIFE, we have transitioned from being a traditional media outlet, to a lifestyle hub to support, celebrate and share stories of a community, by our community.”

ANOKHI UNCENSORED: The company is pleased to announce the launch of a one-hour, monthly radio podcast, premiering on Tuesday September 24th, and every last Tuesday of the month thereafter, at 6 pm PST / 9 pm EST and every Wednesday at 2pm GMT and 6:30pm IST. This marks a collaboration between Dash Radio’s only South Asian radio station, Rukus Avenue Radio station, allowing the show to reach a global audience from the free Dash Radio app or at
When asked about why the radio show is the only new product marking the re-brand to ANOKHI LIFE, Girn said: “My goal with this launch is to offer people an opportunity to tune into a completely uncensored environment when it comes to discussing and debating all aspects of South Asian life in today’s silo communities, as a community at large, and as it relates to the global community around the world. The best way to do this is through real conversation between people, who exchange in a non-judging atmosphere. I couldn’t think of a better way to accomplish this, than to launch the brand into the world of podcast stations to reach audiences that we don’t already reach.”
She continued to say that: “I wanted equal representation from the Gen-X and Millennial demos of women, so I invited ANOKHI’s blog editor-in-chief, Hina, because she is so widely informed on current news and affairs, and our red carpet correspondent, Ruchika Bindra Anand, because she has her pulse on today’s hot button topics, to come together to help me create this show and to host it.”
When asked how they feel about the collaboration, Hina and Ruchika released a joint statement, “As co-hosts representing two important, yet vastly different generations of South Asian women we are excited to tackle topics and issues that play an important part in our lives, as mothers, sisters, daughters, besties, warriors and divas. We look forward to telling your stories as we share ours, deliberating over our collective concerns and having some laughs along the way, as we take a Desi deep dive into what’s really going on around us — in the raw and completely uncensored!”

CORE MANAGEMENT TEAM: The team has been restructured to conform to a lean, efficient, and production centric culture. The goal being, to focus on a results oriented environment that brings out the best in the team, as well as the content being produced.

Of course always keep connected with us through our socials Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and don’t forget to hashtag us at #ANOKHILIFE.
And as for our new podcast feel free to send us any feedback, story ideas, tips to us at [email protected] and of course reach out to us on our ANOKHI LIFE socials with the hashtag #ANOKHIUNCENSORED!
Don’t forget, the very first episode airs on Tuesday September 24, 2019 at 6 pm PST / 9 pm EST and every Wednesday at 2pm GMT and 6:30pm IST exclusively on Dash Radio’s Rukus Avenue Radio.
Main Image Photo Credit: ANOKHI LIFE

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...