Desai Foundation Brought Back Their Iconic Diwali On The Hudson Gala
Community Spotlight Nov 16, 2021
Focused on the health and welfare of women and children the Desai Foundation has been bringing grassroots programming, vocational training, menstrual hygiene education and equity to women and children all over the world for 23 years. They return to the stage this year with their annual Diwali On The Hudson Gala.
My Charity: Desai Foundation’s annual Diwali On The Hudson Gala
City: Bedford Massachussetts, USA
Follow Us: Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, & Facebook
Email: info@thedesaifoundation.org
Launched In: 1997
Our Mission Statement: “The Desai Foundation empowers women and children through community programs in health and livelihood so that they can cultivate dignity and dream beyond their circumstances. We do this through grass roots programming in vocational training, livelihood, entrepreneurship, hygiene, and menstrual health. We operate in over 700 communities in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, New York, and Massachusetts.”
Our Target Market: People interested in supporting the health and livelihoods of vulnerable women and girls.
We We Offer: Health, livelihood, menstrual health — and now COVID relief.
The Desai Foundation empowers women and children through community programs in India & the US by providing them with opportunities and resources to elevate their health and livelihood. Their flagship Asani Sanitary Napkin program aims to eradicate cultural stigma around menstruation by educating communities on menstrual hygiene and management, and they have impacted over 680,000 women and girls through awareness sessions, education seminars, and advocacy campaigns for menstrual equity.
The Desai Foundation hosted the return of its highly-anticipated Diwali on the Hudson event on Wednesday, October 20th. The event is a fundraiser for the public non-profit organization in support of their work in health, livelihood and most recently, COVID relief work in India. This year’s celebration was held at HK Hall in New York City, and featured performances from Grammy nominated Falu, The Resistance Revival Chorus directed by Meah Pace, Ashni Dave, Caleb Spaulding and DJ Suhel. It was a stunning night of fabulous entertainment and stunning Indo-western styles, plus a beautiful new venue and open bar sponsored by 1947 Beer, Love Wines, and Best Buy Liquor with catering provided by Desi Galli. Diwali on the Hudson was the first of its kind event 7 years ago when it launched, spawning a slew of similar events, however this event has continued to grow, and continues to sell out every year. The event also attracts celebrities and change-makers all at the top of their industry and field. This year we welcomed — Shoba Narayan (Princess Jasmine on Broadway’s “Aladdin”) — Ami Sheth (DietLand, Blind Spot) — Aparna Shewakramani (Indian Match Making) –Parag Mehta (Master Card & J.P. Morgan Chase) –Ami Thakkar (Tuckered Out Podcast) –Megha Rao (Fashion Designer and founder of Holi Chic) –Nicole Patrice (composer, musician, lyricist) –Nina Davuluri (Actress, Activist, and Former Miss America) — Kunal Sood (Founder, We the Planet).

Diwali symbolizes the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. The Desai Foundation seeks to celebrate this victorious spirit by empowering women and children through community programs to elevate health and livelihood in the US and India.
The work of the Desai Foundation is about more than just achieving metrics, it is about cultivating dignity and uplifting an entire gender and communities. Previously featured in The New Yorker, Fast Company, Thrillist & one of India.com’s “4 Diwali Events You Must Check Out in NYC,” the party has sold out for seven years in a row. This year’s event was graciously sponsored by American Airlines, Ranavat, Sling TV, Desi Galli, LOVE Wines, Best Buy Wines & Liquor, 1947 Premium Lager, Modi Toys, Aayka Fashion, Holi Chic, Lush, Live Tinted, Modo Yoga, and Gorjana Jewelry.
“Eight years ago, the Desai Foundation held its first-ever public event, marking our transition from a small family foundation, to a robust public organization. The Desai Foundation’s main focus for over 20 years has been empowering women and girls through community programs to elevate health and livelihood in India & U.S. During the 2021 COVID crisis, we shifted our focus to address the needs of the communities we serve, while also leveraging the programs that were already in place. We pivoted our programs with the help of our team, organizations on the ground, and the support of all of you to implement what is needed locally in rural and semi-urban communities. When we first became a public organization, in 2014, we were in 70 villages, touching the lives of 30,000 people. Today, we are in 1000 villages and have impacted over 1.9 million lives,” said President, Megha Desai.
All Photos Courtesy Of Desai Foundation.

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...