As a body hair warrior, I've tried many products in an effort to scare my thick South Asian hair from growing on my face, arms and bikini. Until recently, the score was 100,000 to none for body hair.
I am now pleased to report that products from Tria, Bliss, and Dr Roebuck's help transform me into a smooth swan.
As a teenaged acne-sufferer, I used a retinol cream that makes the skin sensitive to waxing. I went to an aesthetician who waxed off my moustache and my skin. My skin stung, then scabbed for a week, and then took years to lighten up.
I was wary of waxing and resorted to the Desi method of threading. It was quick, convenient, cheap — and I had to thread daily! As the hairs became thicker and more numerous, I jumped at the chance to try the Tria Precision.
The Tria is an at-home laser that you can use weekly for skin tones that range from white to light brown. It reduces and permanently stops hair growth on areas such as the upper lip, armpits and bikini. The Tria works when the skin is shaved, because it can detect the hair root and then "zap" it, leaving the skin warm for a few minutes.

Tria zapping hair on my upper lip
Since the summer of 2014, my upper lip and armpits have significantly slower hair growth, and there are bald spots.
I also have hair on the sides of my face, lower back and bikini and I tried numerous waxes with painful results. I stumbled upon Bliss Poetic Waxing strips at Sephora.
I bought the strips designed for the body because I can customize their size for the face or body. Prior to waxing, I clean my face, pat it dry and apply a dusting of powder. Afterwards, I place the strip in the same direction as the hair growth, hold the skin taut, and then yank it in the opposite direction … with no wincing or redness!
The strips are so gentle that you can use them to wax the ears. My brother is a devotee of Bliss strips.

Below: The ear being powdered

The Bliss strips emboldened me to try the Bliss Poetic Waxing At-Home Hair Removal Kit after my aesthetician pointed out that my skin is so delicate that even the salon's gentlest wax made it peel.
This wax is applied to cleansed skin in the direction of the hair growth, and when it dries, it is yanked off in the opposite direction. After using this product, my skin looks smooth and feels soft, with no redness or peeling.

L–R: Applying the wax in the direction of hair growth, letting the wax dry and then yanking the strip in the opposite direction
I always apply azulene oil over the area that is included in the Bliss kits to remove bits of wax and then apply Dr Roebuck's Bubs and Bits. It's designed to prevent ingrown hairs and it hydrates the skin to a replenished state.
I believed that being South Asian meant I was condemned to be hairy. Modern lasers and gentle waxes refute this belief, and I look smooth!
Dr Roebuck image courtesy of Jane Gill PR
Bliss images courtesy of Devon Consulting
Tria image courtesy of retail site

Meena Khan | Features Editor - Beauty
Meena (@meenalaregina) always loved the idea of exploring the non-conventional idea of beauty. Having grown up as a pimply chubby teenager, she wanted to see the change in the world that best reflected your uniqueness as well. Her well-received collection of blogs where she tries on various beauty p...