Fun Movie Facts
Sigourney Weaver is most well-known for her role as astronaut Ripley in the ‘Alien’ franchise. The role was first written as a male figure, however James Cameron decided a female as the lone survivor of the alien attack will shock the conservative audiences, who back then would not have expected a woman to survive amidst all the male deaths. Weaver is perhaps the most celebrated female protagonist of all time, for this character that
Preity Zinta Files Complaint Against Ness Wadia
Bollywood actor Preity Zinta has filed a complaint with the police against her former boyfriend, businessman
MuchMusic Video Awards 2014
The 2014 MMVAs took over Toronto's Queen Street last night, and we've got the scoop on the winners. The streets were packed with screaming fans waiting to get a glimpse of their fave celebs, and see some of the music industry's hottest artists perform live. An entire downtown block was shutdown for Canada's hottest night of the year, with eyes around the world wat
Bohemia & Haji Singer To Release 'Preet' Featuring Pree Mayall
New era of Desi hip-hop sees west coast artists coming up with another banger. Rapper/producer Haji Springer from California is making waves in the underground hip-hop scene, and lately he's been working quietly on creating new tracks. With the release of
Dumb Celebrity Quotes
Yes, Mike Tyson did say "I think I am gonna fade into bolivian". He obviously meant to say oblivian, and we are sure a recent boxing match(which he had lost) probably had something to do with it. When asked if he had visited Pantheon while he was in Greece, Shaquille O&r ...
Unbelievable Marriages
Man Marries Video Game Character The Japanese man, who calls himself Sal9000, was so deeply mesmerized by a woman that exists purely inside a Nintendo DS video game called ‘Love Plus’, that he decided to solemnize the relationship by legally marrying her. An actual ...