Get Reel Digital: April Must-Watch List
April’s Top DVDs Include A Bone-Chilling Australian Horror Flick, A Psychedelic Detective Yarn And Two Unparalleled American Epics! A Most Violent Year (April 7, Universal Home Video)
Interview: Navin Kundra
Singer/Songwriter Navin Kundra Talks I recently got to sit and have a chat with UK-based singer/songwriter Navin Kundra, who writes, composes and performs songs in Hindi, Punjabi and English. We are only in the third month of 2015, and you have already had a fantastic year. How does that feel?
India's Daughter: The Aftermath
Anarchy Or Justice? With being one of the world’s biggest democracies comes the responsibility of handling varied opinions and thought processes that often collide and create a harrowing ripple effect throughout India. The most recent example of this effect is the backlash to the words and suggestions of the 2012 convicted rapist Mukesh Singh, who was interviewed in the controversial documentary
March's Must See Hollywood Movies
March Hollywood Releases On The Big Screen Worth The Watch What: