NetIP Rings In 20 Years With Their Annual Conference In Seattle!
On August 20th through the 22nd, NetIP (Network of Indian Professionals) hosted their annual conference at the Hyatt, Downtown Seattle. With 24 chapters and thousands of members, they are the premier networking organization for South Asians for professional development, cultural awareness
Pakistan's Flood Disaster: They Need Our Help! We Need To Act Now!
Dear Friends! The devastation in Pakistan is catastrophic. According to the UN, floodwaters have affected 20 million Pakistanis. Over 1,500 people have died and 800,000 have lost their homes. Pakistan’s government reports that 10% of this nation of 180
Comfortable In Her Own Skin
Roshena Chadha designs for Real Women I suppose for some people, its ok to muddle through life fueled on the satisfaction of mediocrity. Maybe they believe in a safe haven that awaits beneath the radar. Then, there’s Roshena Chadha. Its not often you see
Fabulous VIP Gala Held For The 5th Annual Telus MOSAIC Festival
ANOKHI is a proud supporter of this Mississauga-based must-see and do festival celebrating South Asian Heritage On Tuesday July 6, 2010, ANOKHI Magazine was proud to be a part of Telus Mosaic opening night gala, as they kicked off their fifth year celebrations with an elegant eveningt at the
- Opens Its First Ever Centre In Mississauga Ontario
The world’s most popular online matrimonial site brings the community much needed face-to-face time with its first ever Centre located in Mississauga, Ontario Canada. Inaugurated on May 12, 2010 by ...
ANOKHI Magazine Is A Proud Sponsor Of The Upcoming DIL Gala Fundraiser-Mughal Nights Set To Shine In Toronto
Its that time of year again where we all combine our fabulous forces and raise money for those in need! ANOKHI Magazine is proud to sponsor this fabulous event brought to you by DIL (Developments in Literacy) Toronto. DIL invites yo ...