9. What Pisses Me Off: Choosing NOT To Talk About Our Mental Health
Today is World Mental Health Day and I need to get something off of my chest. Why are we still struggling to talk about mental health in today's over-sharing society? We talk about everything else, but when it comes to our mental health we clam up. It's time to stop. What Pisses M
What Pisses Me Off: My Father's Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis
A shocking stage 4 cancer diagnosis rattles the world of the patient, family and friends. For me, it was even worse. What Pisses Me Off: My Father's Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis! On September 12, 2019 my father was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer a
What Pisses Me Off: People Who Don't Vote!
With the Canadian federal election taking place this Monday October 21, 2019 it's high time that we talked about the one constant that plagues every election season. What Pisses Me Off: People Who Don't Vote! Politics. A powerful word that can turn friendly conversations frustrating at rapid speed. Hearts start racing and tempers may start flaring as people passionately exchange o
What Pisses Me Off: Parent Shaming — Let Them Raise Their Kids The Way They Want To
I don't understand why people feel the need to insert their opinions when it comes to upbringing of other people's children. What pisses me off: Parent shaming. To be clear from the start, I don’t have children but that doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion on parenting because I do and be forewarned it’s a strong one. It comes from my experience as a teacher, daughter, aunt and friend that has been a shoulder to cry on and a