Money Saving Tips Everyone Should Know
Most people don’t know much about their financial situation and aren’t saving money for the future. Here's how to get started. Are you unsure about your money matters and need to save more? You're not alone. According to CNNMoney, about three-quarters of Americans are living paycheque-to-paych
Infosys Co-Founder NR Narayana Murthy Awarded With Global Indian Award
Infosys Co-founder and Executive Chairman N. R. Narayana Murthy was honoured by the Canada India Foundation with the prestigious '
Vic Gundotra, Creator of Google+ Quits After 8 Years
Vic Gundotra, the brains behind Google+, announces his departure. On Thursday April 24, Vic Gundotra, the father of Google+, announced that he will be leaving Google after eight years of employment with the company. In his
NatureBox CEO Gautam Gupta Reinvents Snacking
Gautam Gupta of e-commerce success story: The Naturebox Talks Business In 2012 Chief Executive Officer Gautam Gupta, and co-founder, Ken Chen launched an e-commerce company called NatureBox. The site provides
Apps To Stay Connected to Your Team
The popularity of staying connected to your work team via an online social network is increasing as is the number of websites to use. Feeling overwhelmed with all the options? Don't fret, we've made it easy for you to choose the right one for your business b ...