Major backland flooded Twitter when Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Tirath Singh Rawat said that women wearing ripped jeans set a bad example as women and mothers. Here’s the latest on this very perplexing patriarchal political moment.
During a visit at a substance abuse center organized by Uttarakhand State Commission for Protection of Child Rights in Dehradun, Minister Tirath Singh Rawat decided to become the fashion police when he noted that the threat of those wearing ripped jeans, or as he called them the “Kyanchi se sanskaar” (scissor culture) has on well-meaning, morally-stable and law-abiding citizens of his country.
Not missing an opportunity to hone in on the women and their mothering abilities, he ventured to conclude that such folks who like to wear said attire are basically using their sartorial choices as a gateway towards more frowned upon behaviour, including substance abuse.
“Kaynchi se sanskaar (culture by scissors) — showing bare knees, wearing ripped denim and looking like rich kids — these are the values being given now,” Exclaimed Rawat. “Where is this coming from, if not at home What is the fault of the teachers or schools? Where am I taking my son, showing his knees and in tattered jeans? Girls are no less, showing their knees. Is this good? All of this, in a mad race of westernization. While in the western world follows us, doing yoga… covering their body properly. And we run towards nudity.”
All this was triggered by a recent flight where Rawat was seated next to an NGO worker who was wearing ripped jeans. “If this kind of woman goes out in society to meet people and solve their problems, what kind of message are we giving out to the society, to our kids? It all starts at home. What we do, our kids follow.” Rawat went on, “A child who is taught the right culture at home, no matter how modern he becomes, will never fail in life.”
Well that didn’t set well with pretty much all women. S0 much so that #RippedJeans and #RippedJeansTwitter both went viral.
Women started posting photos of themselves in ripped jeans, making the statement that a) there is nothing wrong with it and b) women should never be judged by their attire.

The funniest tweet however is from Kangana Ranaut. A fierce BJP supporter, she didn’t condemn Rawat for his remarks but decided to (maybe justify why she wore them as well) by explaining how ripped jeans should be worn. Okay.

After seeing the backlash Rawat did some back pedaling issuing a luke warm apology saying that he simply was emphasizing the importance of good parenting even including his responsibility as a father. However, he still felt that ripped jeans is not a good look.
Excuse me while I go grab my scissors.
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Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...