Dealing with oily skin? Regardless of weather this can be a year-round problem. Keep that glow with our beauty hacks to stay oil-free!
It’s a beautiful day out. You finally decide to get all glammed up and go out with all your friends. To celebrate the adventure, there are selfies galore, but the only thing you can see on those selfies is your shiny, oily skin crying out to be blotted. Selfie ruined. Mood ruined. Don’t fret though, because you aren’t alone. Oily skin can develop from many factors, such as genetics, daily activities, hot weather, or simply, your hormonal stage in life.
Studies indicate that numbers as big as 40 to 55 per cent of women deal with oily skin. Wishing I had these years ago to solve my greasy dilemma, here are some tips to make sure that “shine bright like a diamond” will from now on only reference the Rihanna song.
Back to Basics: Finding a great cleanser with the power to fight fire with fire is essential. Dump any harsh cleansers you may own and opt for gentler cleansers, especially if they are oil based. Cleansers that claim to be powerful can strip your natural oils, which leaves your face no choice but to rehydrate itself by producing oil. Wash twice a day, especially at night to take off makeup. Try this Oatmeal Cleansing Milk by Anokha Skin Care for $25 US.

Moisturize like you mean it: Keeping your face hydrated is critical if you have oily skin. Like I mentioned before, dehydration of the skin will only lead to more oil production. Clay masks are all the rave right now, and great at adding extra hydration to your face. For daily hydration, grab a lightweight moisturizer, water-based, or with hyaluronic acid and go crazy! Try Vasanti Cosmetics Amplifying Moisturizer for $34 US.

Scrub, Baby Scrub: Gentle cleansers are a great way to maintain your skin’s natural oils, but it’s essential to exfoliate your skin twice a week to wash away dead skin cells that could be clogging your pores, making it impossible for your face to breathe. And you know the drill, clogged pores can lead to acne and blackheads. If you want a gentle exfoliator, try Anokha Skin Care’s Rice and Bamboo Facial Scrub for $28 US.

Beware the Home Remedy: Home remedies may have you thinking that natural is best, but many can take care of one problem while creating another. For example, a sugar lemon scrub can be a great exfoliant, but too much lemon can lead to hyperpigmentation. Be very aware of what you feed your face.
While you’re waiting for all these beauty tips to work their magic on your skin, here are some quick tricks to turn that ugly glisten to a bright glow.
Use a primer before applying your makeup. Oil-free primers are best.
Drop the powder. While you may feel compelled to layer on some powder to create a matte look, it can actually clog your pores even more and force your skin to produce oil.
Oil can produce at any given moment, so if you don’t have oil blotting sheets handy, walk into any washroom and use a clean toilet seat cover. Yes, it sounds disgusting, but they work just like oil blotting sheets.
Going somewhere important? Skip on the cocktails and spicy foods. They can dilate your blood vessels and cause you to sweat, which means oil production. Opt for clean foods and water instead.
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Meena Khan | Features Editor - Beauty
Meena (@meenalaregina) always loved the idea of exploring the non-conventional idea of beauty. Having grown up as a pimply chubby teenager, she wanted to see the change in the world that best reflected your uniqueness as well. Her well-received collection of blogs where she tries on various beauty p...