ANOKHI MEDIA is proud to announce our first set of sponsors for our The ANOKHI PRESTIGE Experience (T.A.P.E.) #ThisIsMyStyle event on Sunday, August 20, 2017, at the globally renowned Thompson Toronto in Toronto.
The must-attend salon event series Founder, President and CEO Raj Girn explains why she spearheaded this initiative: “The ANOKHI PRESTIGE Experience (T.A.P.E.) has been formed to bring together like-minded people to IDENTIFY, EXPLORE, LEARN and SHARE lifestyle-based themes. The aim is curating an incubator-type environment to assist our members in creating their greatest and most rewarding life.”

For full details, please go to
For all information regarding membership prices and purchasing information, please click here!
T.A.P.E offers members a unique chance to mingle with internationally acclaimed experts as well as talent from the local sphere with the aim of exploring ways to amplify their individual life journeys. Each event will include keynotes, a panel discussion, presentations, break-out sessions and a sponsor’s lounge with exclusive offers, opportunities, discounts and so much more. Each member will enjoy munchies as well as a scrumptious sweets table and leave with a bursting product and coupon signature gift bag!
Here are the details:
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Thompson Toronto, 550 Wellington Street West, Toronto M5V 2V4
Early Bird Special
$49 per person *Available until Sunday, July 29, 2017, at 11:59 PM EST
Bulk Price Special
$39 per person (if purchasing four or more tickets)
Regular Price
$79 per person (available from Monday, July 30, 2017, while quantities last)
Each Ticket Includes:
Full Access To The Complete Programming – Value $499.00
A Products/Services Gift Bag – Value $499.00 (minimum)
Membership With The Monthly ANOKHI PRESTIGE Newsletter With Exclusive Coupons, Discounts, and V.I.P. Opportunities Reserved For Our T.A.P.E. Members – Value: $199.00 (annual subscription)
Continental Breakfast, Light Lunch, Afternoon Sweets Table, Non-Alcoholic Beverages – Value: $199.00
Opportunity To Network In Person With Sponsor Vendors, Speakers, Performers, Members – Value: Priceless!
Total Membership Value of $1,396 per event!
A special “thank you” to the following sponsors:
*More sponsors for #ThisIsMyStyle to be announced soon.*
Event Management
Fashion Installation Partner
Cuisine Demo Brought To You By
Gold Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Charity Sponsor
Venue Partner
Dessert Sponsor
Coverage By
And We’ll Be Live-Streaming, Too!
Branding Partner
Public Relations
For those in the ANOKHI community who aren’t able to attend, you won’t miss out on all the fun! We’ll be live-streaming the afternoon on Facebook via ANOKHI MEDIA and OPEN CHEST. Don’t forget to log in at 11:30 AM through 5:00 PM EST.
Also, all of our three — ANOKHI Spotlight TV, ANOKHI Pulse TV and OPEN CHEST TV — will be covering this wonderful event. Our official T.A.P.E photographer will be there to capture all the fun moments, so dress to impress!
See you at the #ThisIsMyStyle event on August 20, 2017, at the Thompson Toronto Hotel!
Main Image Photo Credit: ANOKHI MEDIA

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...