Timing Is Everything
If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard this phrase, that beach house in the midst of tranquility would no longer be a dream. I guess there’s something to be said about compound interest, right? Working towards something is a real adrenaline booster but as with most things, the excitement wears thin when the tunnel appears to have no glimmer at the end of it. This is when, more than diligence and luck, timing is everything! You’ll agree that sometimes it can be the difference between having it all or having nothing at all. This relates to the daily clock-in-clock-out of our professional lives where quite literally, timing is everything. Or is it? Well, let’s see. If timing wasn’t everything, why would we get up in the morning to go to work? Why would we clock in and out if our time was not valuable to someone? Being valuable to someone gives us quantification, without which, how could a value be put on our time and how then, would we get paid for the same?
But there’s also something to be said for quality of time, which in turn determines the quantity we get paid. If you consider when you go to do your groceries for example, if there were no staff, how much of your time would be used in rummaging through the racks to find that special brand of imported jam you love? What about checking out, paying for and bagging your items? What if there’s no sku on one of the items or the checkout desk you’re at runs out of bags? How valuable is your time now that you have no assistance to make more efficient use of your time? Suffice to say, everyone’s time is valuable because ‘timing is everything’ for all of us, right?
To note another example: without South Asians’ active participation in today’s society, ANOKHI may not exist. On the flip side, without ANOKHI, the many success stories of the South Asian community may not be told, heard or known. A perfect, symbiotic relationship exists between ANOKHI and the South Asian community in western society and beyond. So this brings me back to the point that timing can make the difference between having it all or having nothing at all.
Timing is also everything for pioneers to make inroads not only for themselves, but also for all those who choose to follow. This issue’s Open Chest‘ cover story rings true to this. I chatted with India’s reigning queen of the catwalk, model Ujjwala Raut, who is the first India-bornmodel to reach the ranks of supermodel status in theWest. She is the most successful Indian model in the world. Timing was definitely everything for her. Read her story on page 72 and mark my words: what is and will follow, is a future where Indian beauty will take centre stage in the West. Our ‘time’ has come!
Raj Girn
Founder & Publisher

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/