We’ve all heard that there’s a fine line between love and hate, good and bad, right and wrong, success and failure. The question is, who gets to decide on which one is which? In most cultures, religious instruction holds this divine right, and in most societies, political statutes govern the same. (Some may argue that they are one in the same but that’s not up for debate in ANOKHI magazine.)
So what about personal decisions that do not have a direct bearing on either religion or politics; what then? Being an advocate for individuality, I believe that such decisions are best made bearing in mind two key factors – What is the gain and loss, and to whom?
It is here that making a decision that is healthy as opposed to destructive is imperative, although very difficult to do at times. But life by nature is about decisions, that is, making them and seeing them to fruition, or breaking them for one reason or the other. That said, I choose to take any hate and turn it into love, bad into good, wrong into right, and failure into success.
Similarly, this issue’s Open Chest‘ is a revelation of decisions newcomer Thara had to face, make and conquer on her way up the ladder. Read her story (p.68 ) and decide for yourself, if this singer-songwriter-actormodel is going to be the next big thing!
Also see the pomp and circumstance with which ANOKHI magazine celebrated its third anniversary as part of L’Oreal Fashion Week in March at the Rosewater Supper Club in Toronto (p.112 ). A sincere thanks to the Liberty Group for making the decision to welcome ANOKHI magazine as the first and only South Asian magazine to partake in the festivities of Toronto’s very own!
Until next time, always remember to Be UNIQUE. Be ANOKHI.
Raj Girn
Founder & Publisher

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/