As I write this I’m watching The Westminster Kennel Club 139th Annual All Breed Dog Show. It wasn’t until I saw Christopher Guest’s film Best in Show, years ago, that I realized this endearing subculture exists. Guest’s sharp satirical feature revolves around an eclectic group of dog owners and their dreams of having their pooch be the top dog by winning the Best in Show title. If you haven’t seen this gem of a film, you must. Trust me. Thanks to that film, whenever I come across an airing of this time-honoured American competition, I immediately tune in.
It’s a thrill to witness the brilliant display of perfectly poised and coiffed pure breeds prancing on point amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience. This year it was held at New York’s iconic Madison Square Garden and the audience, as expected, was loud which made it all the more fun to watch.
You might be wondering how all this ties into fashion and style. Stay with me. Each dog displayed such a sense of style and such a sense of panache that you couldn’t not be mesmerized by their presence. Their appearance — from their well-groomed coat and their shiny teeth to their elongated and statuesque stance and how they seemed to confidently relish in the cheers from the crowds — was intriguing. You might think I’m crazy, but while I watched I found myself becoming self-conscious about my posture and straightening myself up. Is it just me?
We can learn a lot from our furry friends. Even outside of the dog show space, I find myself smiling when I see a cute pooch completely content running alongside her owner — happy, confident, not a care in the world. Isn’t that something we should all strive for? My own kitty, Katrina, — with her eyes closed and in complete focus — spends an inordinate amount of time grooming. It’s her “me time” and nothing will take her away from that. See? I’m telling you, we can learn a lot from them.
So what are my top five take-aways from this amateur anthropological study? 1) Sense of style is unique from one being to the next. 2) Style should always be a bi-product of confidence. Once you have confidence in the bag, style will immediately follow. 3) Style doesn’t need to be pricey. Designer labels don’t immediately give you style cred. It’s what you do with your ensemble that counts. 4) There’s no such thing as bad style. If you own that look, and I mean really own it, then it’s yours and you’ve made your own statement. 5) It’s worth repeating: Confidence will make or break you.
We celebrate our own sense of style with our Fashion & Style issue. Of course spring is around the corner, so what better time than now for freshening up your wardrobe with key on-trend pieces (Monika’s Must- Haves, page 20). Direct from Delhi, we chat with noted fashion designer Varun Bahl about his long-standing position as one of the top couturiers of India (Elegant, Modern and Timeless, page 30). We list our favourite fashion week cities from around the globe (Around the World in 18 Runways, page 42) and we take a closer look at the increasing popularity and relevance of Fashion Law (Ascent of Fashion Law, page 50). Also, if you’re looking to up your decor ante check out our designer finds for your home (Casa Couture, page 44).
This is the time to celebrate your style. And yes, don’t be afraid to let your four-legged friends remind you how fabulous you really are.
Hina P. Ansari
Editor's Pick: Around The World In 18 Runways

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...