Model, Actress, Artist, Author, Wife & Mother A Woman To Live By…
The Notion of Beauty…
Beauty is… Symmetry
Three words that define Beauty: Inner, Emotional, Confidence
Has the notion of Beauty changed today compared to the traditional emphasis of Beauty being just the physical aspect of a person?
Beauty is ever evolving and I can see that, as cultures grow and blend and societies break out of limit cycles, our definition of beauty widens. We can classify beauty as much more than just a pretty face when we understand that beauty is freedom. Beauty is choice. The way a woman embraces her flaws, is another definition of beauty. Accepting of oneself is a beautiful thing. Beauty is a feeling, an inner emotional response to what one values. Every day I witness beautiful things, whether it’s a teacher helping a child learn, or watching my son waters the house plants; there is beauty everywhere. In short, today, beauty is a verb, not a noun.
Your top five Beauty secrets: Sleep, Sex, Hydration, Exercise, Good Food.
Your one Beauty indulgence: Deep tissue massages.
Who, historically speaking do you feel is the most beautiful person the world has ever known and why?
In my humble opinion, Beauty lay with someone like a Sophia Loren. She is as beautiful today as she was 40 years ago for one simple reason: she embraces the woman she is. For example, she doesn’t apologize for having to wear glasses because her eyes are bad, she just does it…with flair, elegance, and style. The net result of those sums = sex appeal. Beauty is a feeling that comes across when a confident woman owns every ounce and every inch of her being. Sophia Loren owns herself in that way…as does Tina Turner. A woman, who fundamentally understands that giving life and love is most beautiful and that for me, defines the most beautiful woman.
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Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/