In the Light of Beauty
Sometimes you don’t recognize that you are in the presence of something special until you have hit a point so low you aren’t sure you are able to climb out of it. And sometimes the dawn seems to be worlds away and the darkness seems to last a lifetime.
But it is during these times, where challenges seem to be endless, when one finds the strength and fortitude they didn’t know they had all along.
It’s okay to admit that you aren’t superhuman and sometimes you just need to lean on someone. Yes, we love to multi-task and yes, there are days when we feel that we can handle and conquer anything. Then there are days when we feel inadequate and unable. And those are the days where hints of beauty manifest themselves through the others who are there by their own volition. Those who are only there to help you, only there to provide a shoulder for you to lean on and give you words of encouragement.
One thing, which I absolutely revere, is the value of family and community that our culture dictates. It is during these times of need that family and friends step up; no invitation necessary. It’s that fortunate element of our South Asian community, especially in this day and age where we are bolstered by technology and in the flash of a text, a Facebook update, or a Skype call, someone is delivering food, while someone else is offering to take care of the kids, and words of encouragement flow easily from one heart to the next.
All of a sudden, you are surrounded by friends who are ready and willing to take on the roles of babysitters, chefs, fast-food deliverers, chauffeurs and snow shovelers. Some make it their duty to distract you and focus on being the cheerleader or the jester — something to take your mind off the current stressful situation.
When all of the above is done from a good place, that kind gesture is worth its weight in gold. And it doesn’t cost a thing.
And that’s what’s beautiful. And it’s these levels of beauty that I cherish and celebrate when we do our annual beauty issue. Whether it’s challenging the definitions of cultural beauty (A New Bloom, page 114), standing up for the basic civil rights of women (India’s Double-Edged Sword, page 116) or taking a global look at the latest beauty trends (Global Pop Art, page 80), this issue does just that.
In this issue, we also herald the beauty of the spring season with our list of key style must-haves for the season (Monika’s Must-Haves, page 42). Spring also beckons the entertaining season and we have fabulous spring dishes for you to dazzle your guests with (A Fine Feast, page 102).
So take stock. In and out. Relish and celebrate. And always remember that beauty lies within even the most unassuming places.
Hina P. Ansari

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...