Waiters Versus Makers
We all have dreams, and they are as varied as they are numerous, but they all have one thing in common: a transitional process which I believe no one encapsulated better than actor Christopher Reeve, who so rightfully illustrated the process using three very powerful words – ‘impossible,’ ‘improbable’ and ‘inevitable.’
Like most things, getting from one stage to the next is the challenge, and the reality is, without going through the stages, actualization of a dream is highly unlikely, short of an act of God. From my experience, the problem is rarely the process but the desire to skip it in favour of divine intervention – most of us are waiting for a miracle to appear instead of making the miracle materialize. I’ve been this person and I’m sure you have too; maybe you still are. Well, I’d like to share a simple truth that came to me a few years ago which changed my ‘impossible’ to ‘improbable’ to ‘inevitable’ – I realized that I was the reason for the rut I was in. I was the one who stood in the way of making my dreams come true. I was the culprit limiting the actualization of my dreams with rationales that today, seem ridiculous, such as the fact that I am a woman, ethnic, divorced, a single parent and the list goes on. Overcoming the external blame factor and replacing it with an internal belief that I can is when things began to change for me. Once I had the courage to lift the shroud I had sewn, it was like releasing a slingshot. I catapulted from being a waiter to a maker of dreams. First for myself, now for the people around me and in the future for the world I live in.
Actress Pooja Kumar has a similar story which I invite you to read in this issue's Open Chest interview on page 24. She shares a dream she had to become an international actress where she could work on both sides of the Atlantic and she worked tirelessly towards her goal until it finally came true this past summer when she landed a principle role in a mini TV series on IFC called Bollywood Hero. There, she got the chance to work on a transatlantic project where talent and subject matter collaborated from Hollywood and Bollywood in what was a first on American television. She is a true maker of dreams. If you’re still a waiter, this read is for you.
As always, we love hearing from you. Email your thoughts to [email protected] or comment on our blog at www.anokhimagazine.com/blog. We’d love to hear about your story on how you transformed your life from waiting for a miracle to happen, to actively making your dreams come true. Until Next Time,
Raj Girn
Publisher/Editorial Director

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/