Listen Closely
are trying to make a deadline as well as a welcome distraction when we are . . . trying to make said deadline.
It’s its very own species of the audio world.
Whether they are filtered or unfiltered, we have grown accustomed to these noises. How many times have we stopped in our tracks and done the automatic self-pat-down when we heard a ringtone similar to ours? Which of course is immediately followed by a gasp of relief upon realizing that the ring was destined for someone else for a change.
Today we are so intimately familiar with these external tones, but are we able to easily recognize the subtle tones emanating from our own bodies? If we listened closely, would we be able to tell if, say, our own note was off-key?
That was my test. Not too long ago, I realized my right foot would just go limp after walking for more than 20 minutes. Initially I dismissed it as a sign of my being out of shape. But I knew something wasn’t right when I also started having problems climbing and descending stairs and I kept losing my balance (more than my usual clumsy self does). That instigated a long search for answers from one doctor to the next. The more I was told that it was all in my head (which one doctor actually insinuated), the more adamant I was to find the truth. I just knew my body was trying to tell me something. After they eliminated all other possibilities, it was confirmed that I had multiple sclerosis. Armed with this diagnosis, and a pretty cool leg brace to boot, I knew I needed to focus on this new medical reality. Because now — more than ever — I needed to stop and really listen to what my body was telling me.
That’s why this Health & Wellness issue holds a dear place in my heart. We wanted to make sure that it addresses the important issues that affect our well-being. Whether it’s searching for a healthy relationship (The Top Relationship Questions Asked By Women, page 92), identifying the best foods (Sizing Up Salads, page 86) or tackling temptations (Control & Conquer, page 100) this Health & Wellness issue is packed with tips, perspectives and substantive analysis. Have you ever wondered how the Bollywood starlets keep fit? We asked their trainers in Fitness Routines of Top Bollywood Divas (Page 98). We also chatted with a noted food blogger and activist that made global
headlines battling Kraft (Q&A with Vani Hari, The Food Babe, page 88).
And just like in every issue, we have the hottest looks from the worlds of fashion, style and beauty. This summer season is the perfect backdrop for hot swimwear (Descent of a Woman, page 54) and key cool looks for the season (Monika’s Must-Haves, page 36). Planning a trip? We list our top five escapes to enjoy India’s monsoon season (page
100) and family-friendly resorts to take your kids to (All in the Family, page 102). We also list the best books for the beach (On the Shelf, page 22), hot tunes (Press Play, page 22) as well as sizzling summer flicks (Get Reel, page 18). This issue is jam-packed with everything you need to get your summer off to the best start.
So while you are taking in summer’s sights and sounds, make sure to always be in tune with what’s going on inside you.
Hina P. Ansari

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...