I am as inspired and motivated by people’s life lessons as I am by personal experiences. As such, I’m an avid student of organic change because I believe that optimal living means exploring yourself and others. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not a follower — I’m an actualizer. With that “type” ingrained within me, I ask myself now and again, one simple question that helps me tilt back to the path of my making: “Where am I?” Then, more often than not, a quote by Buddha comes to mind, who said quite poignantly, “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the way, and not starting.” Each time I remember this indelible truth, I’m faced with the proposition: should I even start? Because knowing myself as I do, I have to go all the way, no matter what I may face along the way. Many think this is a good trait to have — perseverance and all — but me, I don’t think everything we start is meant to be finished. Therein lies the conundrum, and it’s one I have yet to solve, but I’m searching for resolution. I’m hopeful and forever will be.
Among the things I have started and believe with absolution that I must go all the way with is ANOKHI MEDIA (no surprise). To that “end” (pun definitely not intended), I’m extremely excited and proud to share with you all, the launch of a project that has been in the works for almost two years: www.AnokhiMedia.com. The first of many phases of our mega site which not only brings a 24/7, dynamic and interactive experience where you can readily access, comment on and share our content any way you want, but it also makes it easy for you to keep up to date with us in one location since we have amalgamated our magazine and video content sites into this one online space. Additionally, we have completely redesigned our blog community to encompass ease of use with a whopping 19 categories of content. Additionally for the first time anywhere, we have launched a brand-new, lifestyle-based video channel, ANOKHI Daily Spotlight TV. Here is a list of all of the sections in phase one for you to enjoy…
ANOKHI Magazine: You can access the magazine online in the form of full articles from over 30 issues from our archives showcasing: Fashion, Style, Beauty, Wellness, Advice, Home, Travel, Dollars & Sense, Arts & Entertainment, Percolator Talk and GPS Events.
ANOKHI Blog: Nineteen categories of buzz-worthy news reside here: Current News, Business, Technology, Work, Family, Relationships, Health, Wellness & Spirituality, Fitness, Nutrition & Cuisine, Home & Garden, Travel, Sports, Arts, Entertainment, Fashion, Style, Beauty and Percolator Talk.
ANOKHI Pulse TV: This is our weekly entertainment show where you can view the latest glitz ‘n’ glam of movie releases, music concerts, fashion shows, red carpets, and behind-the- scenes celebrity interviews.
ANOKHI Daily Spotlight TV: Our brand-new daily lifestyle show where new episodes go live Monday to Friday, 12:00 p.m. EST, in the following categories: Home & Away, Beauty, Wellness, Entertainment, and Fashion & Style.
Moreover, for the first time since our inception over 10 years ago, you’ll be able to experience all aspects of our magazine’s OPEN CHEST celebrity cover story campaigns in one location at this site — whether you’re accessing the entire 10-page story that went to print (through the magazine section of the site), the behind-the-scenes of the cover shoot video (through Pulse TV) or the intimate conversations I conduct (through OPEN CHEST TV). I’m super thrilled that the first celebrity who will garner the full throttle of this campaign is my dear friend, the fabulously funny Noureen DeWulf, star of the globally popular TV show Anger Management (with Charlie Sheen). There’s a lot more to this talented, funny girl than meets the eye. Read about her on page 24!
And finally, I’d like to sincerely thank the Indo-Canadian Chamber of Commerce for recognizing me this year as the ‘Female Entrepreneur Of The Year’.
Until next time, always remember to
Raj Girn

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/