Closing out the Year
The festive season is upon us and we’re all gearing up to spend special moments with our loved ones and make more memories to add to our scrapbook of life. This is the time that fills us with that wonderful fuzzy feeling that warms the soul from end to end. It’s the one time we reminisce the magical moments of yesteryears with smiles and plan our tomorrows with hope for a more meaningful year ahead.
I’m brimming with excitement as we glide into 2007 with the ANOKHI mandate. We’re moving to another level with the next issue being the fourth anniversary milestone issue and the launch of another ANOKHI product. But you have to wait until the New Year to find out what we will be bringing to your doorstep.
In the meantime, I’m pleased to close out 2006 with the knowledge that ANOKHI has sustained its competitive edge as North America’s number one South Asian magazine and the only crossover magazine of its kind in the world. For this, I am pleased to thank our readers, advertisers, affiliates and supporters on behalf of the ANOKHI Dream Team who have worked tirelessly to create a magazine of relevance to today’s dynamic global community.
It’s with this global perspective in mind that we strive to bring our readers stories that have a universal appeal, void of cultural, social, religious, political and gender bias. This issue’s Open Chest highlights the inspirational coming-of-age story of one of today’s most talented global artists, Nelly Furtado. Read her story on p.90. I’m sure you’ll be as inspired as I was when I chatted with her.
See you next year when we at ANOKHI unveil an extension of our brand with you in mind.
Until then, remember as I do, to Be UNIQUE. Be ANOKHI.
Raj Girn
Founder & Publisher

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/