/ Workouts for the Workplace

Workouts for the Workplace

Apr 04, 2014

Do you have a desk job that keeps you sitting for most of the day? Do you fear what this will mean for your health and fitness level? Most office workers don’t have to be told that the sedentary nature of their work can take a toll on their fitness level and body weight if they aren’t careful.

And while some people include daily workouts in the gym to help offset these negative effects, sometimes it’s just not enough. You also need to look at what you can do during the day to boost your total activity level. Fortunately, it’s possible to keep yourself in top shape by following these tips.

Use a Calorie Tracker

Tracking your day-to-day calorie intake is a must for proper body weight management. It’s easy to find yourself snacking at work if you are a stress eater and mindlessly eating can cause rapid fat gain, especially with a sedentary desk job. Most people require around 10 to 12 calories per pound to lose weight and 13 to 15 calories per pound to maintain their weight when leading a relatively sedentary lifestyle. Start using a calorie-counting application and record everything you eat. Then assess your daily total and ensure you’re eating the right number of calories to reach your goals.

Get an Exercise Ball

Consider swapping out your regular desk chair for an exercise ball instead. Start by sitting on the ball for one to two hours a day and increase gradually. Sitting on the ball requires a much greater total core activation than a chair, so it can help firm your abs and prevent lower back pain.

Stand While You Talk on the Phone

Whenever you get a call, get up and pace around the office. Buy a cordless phone to make this easier and up your calorie burn.

Wear a Pedometer

Invest in a pedometer. This way, you can track just how many steps you take over the course of the day. Remember, it all adds up. Make trips to use the bathroom on another floor or go speak to a co-worker rather than emailing them. Keep track of your steps and each day see if you can beat your previous day’s totals. Work your way up to at least 5,000 steps per day.

Consider a Resistance Band

A resistance band is a great tool to have at your office because you can easily tuck it away into a drawer when you’re not using it and pull it out to do a quick circuit of strength moves when you’re on a break. Perform 10 to 15 reps of chest presses, shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep extensions, lateral raises, lunges and sit-ups. If you do this circuit three times per week, you will see total body strength improvements in no time.

Use these tools and gadgets to help reduce the chances of weight gain and health problems caused by your sedentary job. They are easily incorporated into your day and won’t take much effort but will make you feel great.

Achal Dua is a certified personal trainer and CEO of Bollywood Abs Inc. in the Washington, D.C., metro area. He specializes in rapid weight loss, endurance and athletic training. An avid blogger, Achal has been featured in Vogue magazine and has regularly appeared on Zee TV, Jus Punjabi and HumDesi Radio. www.bollywoodabs.com



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