Oxygen Time
The start of a calendar year is always great to re-assess history—personal, professional, surrounding and at large. I don’t know about you but in our fast paced and ever changing world, I always find myself gasping for reflection amongst the hustle of everyday demands. From work to home to family and friends, the cycle is continuous, producing more and more carbon dioxide with each round. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what to do first, second, third and so on, so this year, I’ve made a resolution I am adamant about keeping and this I call Oxygen Time—breathing space for me to replenish mind, body, soul and yes—heart.
With that said, I am itching to share with you what my Oxygen Time has helped me decide for the move forward on all ANOKHI related fronts as we release this, our 6th anniversary issue which leads us into our 7th consecutive year of continuous publishing, making us the longest running such quarterly glossy about all things South Asian in North American history! An accomplishment no doubt but apart from historical milestones which we all cherish for life, I find myself asking: what or whom should ANOKHI be tomorrow? You may be surprised that I of all people, as founder of this magazine would ask such a question, but those of you who are mothers or fathers know exactly why I ask because even something as rewarding as being a parent begs the question, what or who am I creating? This is where Oxygen Time is like manna from Heaven because as daunting as such a question maybe, the numerous potential answers beg a plethora of additional questions which pulls us into that vortex of over analysis which we are all prone to from time to time. The great thing is though, that it is within this heightened state of consciousness that we are our most creative, insightful and constructive selves. From Mozart to Madonna, from Gandhi to Obama, they’ve all been there and the results of which continue to produce positive residuals that affect our today and shape our tomorrow.
So having been in this space over the past few months, I have come to realize something magical that I would like to share with you as we move into 2009 but before I do, I need to take you back to 2002 when I came up with the idea to create a platform through which to celebrate and connect with the rich and diverse accomplishments that resonate from within the Global South Asian Community, both internal to the community and external to Society in general. The ANOKHI team and I did this at a time when such an idea was an underground thought and not privy to mainstream consumption. Today, however, wherever we go, we come across stories of success in Corporate Business, Entrepreneurship, the Professions, the Arts, Entertainment and Media that are spear-headed by South Asians across the board. They contribute to and affect the course of Society moving forward, proving that my initial mandate is more relevant today then it ever was in the past. The magical revelation? The vision that gave birth to ANOKHI over six years ago holds even stronger today, just as the decision that leads us to become parents is all the more meaningful when our children fly the nest to create their own—one person’s journey leading to the next—legitimizes that there is a meaning beyond ourselves. Moreover, we are better able to determine the destination when we have the experience to control the journey.
Hence, I am proud and excited to announce that this issue begins a new phase of ANOKHI—tomorrow’s ANOKHI:
– The introduction of a new Editor-in-Chief, Hina P. Ansari, at the editorial helm of ANOKHI magazine who hails from mainstream publishing including an eleven year tenure at FLARE magazine. She brings with her, her own quirky style and take on life. Welcome on board Hina! In the same spirit, I would like to thank our previous Editor-In-Chief, Pamela Arora for her helping us build ANOKHI for the past six years.
– A complete re-design of the magazine to tighten up and punch out our editorial and design to resonate better with our readers and advertisers with sections exclusively dedicated to Fashion, Style, Beauty, Heath & Wellness, Living Space, Entertainment, Events and much, much more.
– The launch of AnokhiMagazine.com and an interactive blog.
– The incorporation of new initiatives such as advertorials, special inserts and take away manuals, making ANOKHI’s relationship with editorial and with advertising even stronger. In this issue, we have included a 12 page special insert in celebration of February’s Heart and Stroke Month, with the aim of promoting heart health and healthy living among South Asians who have a statistically high prevalence of heart related diseases.
We’d love to hear what you have to say about our newly designed magazine and website, as we enter the next phase of the ANOKHI Brand.
A special thank you to Slumdog Millionaire’s Freida Pinto for gracing the cover of our 6th Anniversary Issue.
As a final note, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest appreciation for the unflinching support of our readers, subscribers, advertisers, partners and affiliates. Thank you for joining us on our journey to making ANOKHI Magazine truly UNIQUE!
Until next time,
Raj Girn
Publisher/Editorial Director

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/