Use these simple beauty recipes to experiment on the animal in your life and turn your bedroom into a boudoir of bliss.
Come in. Slip into something a little more comfortable and let’s begin.
First, you have to identify the subject of these experiments—usually the object of your affections. Natural habitats include the couch, the bed and the area between the refrigerator. These creatures are a study in contradictions—they can program a VCR but are somehow incapable of replacing toilet paper in the bathroom!
Ah, you’ve found yours. Smile, wave. It’s not time yet.
First you’ll need the following ingredients:
- 1 cup coconut or almond oil
- Essential oils of your choice (lavender is known for its aphrodisiac properties especially when mixed with sweet orange oil)
- 1/2 cup sea salt (not too coarse)
- 1 slab of cooking chocolate (we like dark)
- 10 strawberries
- Pore-cleaning/blackheadremoving nose strips (2)
- A tub or bucket large enough to soak both pairs of feet
- Flower petals
- Pumice stone
- Shaving cream
- Women’s razor (2)
- A bottle of wine and 2 glasses
Okay, do you have everything? Fantastic.
Studies (mostly anecdotal evidence gathered during a girls’ night) show that the majority of men, no matter how macho, secretly love beauty rituals. Actually, if you think about it, being pampered is simply an extension of being waited on hand and foot (which most men consider their birthright) so if you’re worried about convincing him to participate, it might help to pour yourself a martini or a glass of wine. Of course, if your “subject” is a “metrosexual”, you can just skip ahead to the recipe part.
Before you begin your experiment, it’s best to make sure your “laboratory” is wellprepared: satin sheets, in a deep colour on the bed; low lighting (we suggest candles or multiple small lamps); and some incense or essential oil room fragrance. A sprinkle of flower petals on the bed is also a nice touch.
It would also be appropriate to set up the bathroom in a similar fashion. Mood lighting is easily created with tea lights or lamps draped artfully with dupattas (just ensure that the material isn’t flammable and that it never gets close enough to the light source to catch on fire).
Choose some music—Sade, Tori Amos, Norah Jones and Massive Attack are all good choices; anything with smooth and sultry lyrics that makes you want to take your clothes off.
Next, melt the chocolate in the microwave or over low heat in a double-boiler on the stove. Stir often and add milk if you want a more liquid consistency. Prepare the strawberries (wash thoroughly and chop off the green bits) and when the chocolate has melted completely, dip each strawberry into the chocolate until fully (but not too thickly) coated. Lay the berries on a tray and put in the refridgerato for a minimum of two hours. The chocolate will solidify nicely and then these will act as bait to lure your victim into your boudoir!
Next, you need to mix up your homemade body polish. Pour the sea salt into a bowl and add enough coconut or almond oil to just about cover it. Add some essential oils for fragrance. You can even create a customized polish by dividing the basic scrub into two bowls and then spraying a few dashes of your favourite perfume in one and his in the other. Voila! You are ready for some body-rubbing action.
On the given day, you could leave a note for him pinned to your front door as he comes in from work. It might ask him to follow the trail of chocolate covered strawberries to the bedroom (resist the urge to feed him more than one at a time — too many of these babies can make you nauseous).
Pour yourselves each a glass of wine and invite him to soak his tired feet in the tub of warm water and fragrant flower petals. This is when you bring out the pore-cleaning nose strips (for blackheads, like those made by Biore). Don’t ask why, but men love them—and let’s face it, most need them desperately! Plus, it’s oddly satisfying to see just how much gunk male pores can accumulate, and the comparing of strips, unsexy as it may seem, is actually an important bonding experience with your subject. While waiting for the strips to work, gently rub each other’s soles with the pumice stone to smooth rough skin.
Phase two: The bathroom
Invite him to a shower à deux. Have the body polish handy and give each other a slow, sensuous rubdown. More adventurous types can place some towels on the bed and do this manoeuvre in the bedroom where it will have a more massage-like feel.
Once you’re all slippery, it’s time to bring out the razors. You may not even need the shaving cream—although you might want to turn on the lights! Slowly, shave his face and invite him to shave your erm…legs.
Now that you’re both buttery soft (with skin that’s exquisitely sensitive to touch), it’s time to head for those satin sheets. Refill your wine glasses while on your way to the bedroom.
If you happen to have some leftover melted chocolate (which can be kept melted at your bedside by immersing the bowl in a larger bowl of hot water), you can indulge the artist in you by finger painting naughty designs on each other. Chocolate isn’t necessarily a beauty treatment, but your man should know better than to argue at this point.
By this time your subject will be looking (and feeling) downright civilized, which makes it the perfect moment to reveal to him what an animal you really are!