"Devyani Saltzman"
Publisher's Message, Spring 2008
Noise Reduction Some people call it spring cleaning; I call it noise reduction. Why? Because cleaning house for me means more than steaming my carpets or a drop off to the local Salvation Army. It means filtering out all of the unwanted residue that has cluttered up my personal, professional, as well as physical space over the preceding months. I must admit
Open Chest Interview with Devyani Saltzman
The New York Times called her internationally published, freshman offering, Shooting Water, ‘a poignant memoir’. Devyani Saltzman ?rst came on the scene known to most as the daughter of acclaimed ?lm director, Deepa Mehta, but in a short span of only a few years, this self-professed ‘Hinju’ has become a force to be reckoned with in her own right. At only twenty-ei
Open Chest Interview with Manu Narayan
In Conversation With Manu Narayan We first heard of Pittsburgh born singer, actor and musician, Manu Narayan about six years ago when he took the lead of hero ‘Akaash’ in Andrew Lloyd Webber/A.R. Rahman’s hit musical on Broadway, Bombay Dreams. Little known to most, this multi-talented artist sings lead vocals with his band, Darunam
Editor's Note, Spring 2008
I can’t think of a better issue to celebrate the power of friendship and the ability it has to help us move forward with strength and a positive attitude. Just this month alone, after falling seriously ill, I was blissfully reminded (because we often take it for granted) of how lucky I am to have a circle of friends who make me feel loved, understood and connected.
Beauty Spot: Quick-Fix Skin Solutions
While it’s always nice beautifying on your own time, there are always things that come up which may leave little time for you to look your best; a job interview in a few days, a ten-year school reunion in a few weeks or a 20-year ...
Shape Up with the Kama Sutra
How the ancient teachings of the Kama Sutra can help you get the hot body you want! If you have been feeling a little extra weight on your waistline from eating too many fried samosas to combat the ...
Beauty and your Beast
Use these simple beauty recipes to experiment on the animal in your life and turn your bedroom into a boudoir of bliss. Come in. Slip into something a little more comfortable and let’s begin. First, you have to identify the subject of these experiments—usually the ...
Feel Good: Vacations in India
Want to take a vacation with a twist? Here is a look at the trend of “voluntourism”, where you can take a vacation while helping a good cause. Voluntourism, or vacations that combine holiday activities with volunteering for g ...
The Strength of One Woman
Day in and day out, there are people everywhere in need of help. Hands stretched out, waiting for a human touch to find them, help them. And while many people are busily self-absorbed with their own ...