In my many years as an entrepreneur, I have been blessed to have had the invaluable opportunity of meeting countless visionary minds who have changed the game in their respective professions. I call these stalwarts “forecasters of change,” who, against all odds, have advocated for, and made monumental strides in, pushing the round peg into the square hole of life.
Since they have served as mentors for me in varying capacities and have helped me enormously along my quest for achieving my own personal calling, I have decided, as part of my yearning to give back to you for your years of supporting what I do, to offer you a gift of sorts, where you will receive first-hand insights into the private lives of some of these sensational personalities as they chat with me in a new no-holds-barred interview succession called the Open Chest Power Series.
Here, you will meet some of today’s greatest entrepreneurial minds who open chest like never before, revealing caveats of wisdom from their respective and compelling journeys. I am enthused with the hope that these inspirational real-life stories will help elevate your personal lives as they have mine.
My second in this series is a conversation with a young woman who’s pioneering rise in social media marketing I admire greatly because she has been on the forefront of changing the way we look at social media’s impact on all aspects of how we live today. Shama Hyder is her name and her freshman book offering, The Zen of Social Media Marketing (2010) shook the industry by quickly hailing as a New York best seller and becoming the benchmark text book on the subject taught across academic institutions everywhere.
CLICK HERE To Read the Full Interview with Shama

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/