Don't understimate the importance and value of intention setting.
It seems like intention setting is the latest buzz and craze out there these days but there is truth to this madness. It works.
What intention setting allows us to do is bring attention to our thoughts and gives them weight. It further adds clarity to how we choose to live our lives and allows for more conscious and meaningful living. It serves as a road map and provides you with purpose. Last but not the least, intention setting is empowering.
As Buddha says, “With our thoughts, we make the world." In other words, your thoughts shape your reality. Use the power of intention setting to create the life you desire. Now that’s worth celebrating.
Here are a few tips to get you started on setting powerful intentions:
Use powerful language. Be bold and choose words that reflect your personality and add zest to your intention.
Keep it positive. For example, instead of stating “I intend to stop drinking alcohol,” try “I intend to replace my nightly glass of red wine with a soothing, and calming coco chai rooibos tea."
Be specific. As noted in the above example, being specific not only allows for clarity but it helps to build a visual image of your intention which further strengthens your intention.
Create a ritual. When setting new intentions, create a ritual that allows you to be more present and in tune with yourself. Examples include: meditating or journaling ahead of time. Lighting candles and playing soft music to set you in the mood to connect with your inner desires and to dig deep. Rituals have a soothing and rhythmic effect on your mind and body; take advantage of them.
Write it down. What’s even more powerful than just stating your intention is to declare your intention by writing it down. Write down your intention in big bold letters on a colourful post-it note and stick it onto your bathroom mirror. With measures like that, how hard would it be to miss your intention when it’s staring right back at you on a daily basis?
Dream big. Don’t short change yourself. Make sure that some of your intentions reflect your innermost desires. Now is the time to declare them so don’t hold back.
Focus on the target.
Photo Credit: www.providencepersonaltrainingandfitness.com
Some examples of intentions include:
· I intend to start my day with five gratitudes.
· Before I leave my home in the morning, I intend to hug each one of my children for 20 seconds.
· I intend to write my book on self care practices for women by 2019.
· Before I end my day, I intend to meditate for 10 minutes in front of my altar.
· I intend to purchase my home on the beach in the island of St. Martin in five to 10 years.
· After work, I intend to pause, journal, dream and connect with my intentions for 15 minutes.
As you can see, there are short term and long term intentions in there. The language is specific, powerful and positive. It may be scary to put your feelings and thoughts out there but that’s where the magic happens.
Let’s dream big. We deserve it.
Main Image Photo Credit: www.brighthub.com

Dimple Mukherjee
Dimple Mukherjee is an Occupational Therapist with over 20 years of experience and has obtained specific training in Health Coaching through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She is the founder of Whole Self Consulting and is passionate about helping South Asian working mothers to reinve...