Did you land your dream job after graduation? Is the degree you worked so hard for generating dollars or is it gathering dust?
Whenever a friend graduates, I celebrate their milestone by gifting them with Dr. Seuss’s Oh the Places You Will Go. An inspiring picture book, it encourages the reader to lead their life in the direction of their dreams. I also say a prayer that they won’t be led straight to the unemployment office.
Photo Credit: www.ladylouisespeaks.com
Why, despite graduating from a reputable school with a professional degree, is it increasingly difficult to find a job? In 2015, there were 1.7 million university students in Canada, 13.2 million in the U.S., 2.2+ million in the U.K and over 20,000 in India. Economies are quickly becoming over-saturated with academic qualifications. Taking that into account, what may seem like a sure-fire step to advance your career can get lost in the competitive job market leaving you with thousands in student loans and no guarantee of return on your investment.
Photo Credit: www.abovethelaw.com
So what can you do? Stay positive, persevere and read the tips below to help land a job.
Start while you’re in school.
Look for part-time internships and/or junior roles at companies that interest you. One of the best ways to transition into the position you want is to already be part of the company. Internal applicants may get opportunities/insights on roles before the general public. Already working but want a career change? The same advice applies.
Secure your social media accounts.
Photo Credit: ebrianrose.com
Who cares if you post a fun picture of yourself looking great on a beach or sporting face paint to support your sports team? Potential employer’s care that’s who. According to the Huffington Post, up to 37 per cent of human resource teams are pre-screening job applicants by checking their social media profiles. Edit your privacy settings, hide friends lists and if you have a tendency to go on Twitter and post controversial opinions, don’t use your full name. Build a professional social media account on LinkedIn and ensure you use a clear headshot with a simple backdrop. Social media can easily give one-sided impressions of your personality — secure your social accounts and be safe not sorry.
Network to increase your net-worth.
Pay attention to who you already know, where they work and ask your contacts for help. Is there someone whose career path you admire? Approach them with humility and ask if they are available to become a mentor. You can find fun, free social and professional groups to join at Ten Thousand Coffees to connect with like minded individuals. If you haven’t read it yet, check out the lastest article for more tips on How to Network Like a CEO And Increase Your Net-worth.
Revise your resume.
Photo Credit: www.recruitinginmotion.com
Build a strong resume to work off as your base. If you’re not sure how to format it or feel stuck getting started, websites such as Resume Now or Free Resume Builder can help. Keep your resume clear, concise and easy on the eyes by aiming for two pages (do not exceed three). Read job descriptions carefully and revise the language you’re using to be most relevant (while staying honest about your experience).
Communicate in your cover letter.
Most jobs require a cover letter and it’s imperative if requested you submit one. Your cover letter should communicate key characteristics about yourself, relevant work experience and mention why the role/company appeals to you. Keep it clear, under one page and review it meticulously. For major roles, I ask a friend to review it (and my resume) to ensure I haven’t made any grammatical errors.
Avidly apply.
Photo Credit: www.abetterinteriew.com
Looking for a job can feel like a job. It’s time consuming to revise resumes and write cover letters but keep persevering. If you want to land a role in the competitive market, it’s crucial you actively apply. Doing talent acquisition for a Canadian company this February, I got 100+ applicants within 36 hours. The speed in which you submit an application matters. Help employers find you by posting your resume for free on as many sites as you can find for example Workopolis, Indeed and Craigslist.
Reach out to recruiters.
Recruiters are in the sales industry – what they sell are jobs to applicants and applicants to employers. Often commission based, if you demonstrate you’re a strong, organized applicant with timely follow-ups and responses, they will prioritize finding you a role. The faster you get paid, the faster they do. Google search to find recruitment companies in your area. If you live in Canada, HR Associates, Quantam Staffing and Altis HR are great companies to set up appointments with.
Most importantly, stay focused, positive and continue to persevere. Don't let rejection letters get you down. Remember often when we think we are being rejected, we're being redirected to something better.
Main Image Photo Credit: www.thegrindstone.com

Rachna Sethi
Rachna (@thesassyspiritual) is a graduate of the Applied Mindfulness Meditation program from the University of Toronto, a certified Educator with two bachelor degrees and a diploma in Art Therapy. She's dedicated to living with a compassionate approach. Committed to helping people integrate Mindfuln...