Whether it’s for closing a big bucks deal, winning the respect of desired allies, or just getting your friends to go where you want to go for dinner, you’re going to have to radiate some authority.
You like fast-track info, right? You’re on the Internet, so of course you do. Here are some quick tips:
1. Give a non-verbal message.
Body language counts for a lot in communication — 55 per cent, actually — so shut your mouth, straighten your spine and convey some authority. Your demeanor is telling of your resolve. A limp frame tells people, “I have a limp resolve, so go ahead and push me around and don’t take me seriously.”
But pull those shoulders back, tilt that chin up and stick out the chest and not only will others perceive you as strong, you’ll start to feel that way too. You’re tricking them and yourself. Just fake it ‘till you make it.
Easy, right?
2. Take up a lot of space.
Just like the animals do. When animals want to take charge they puff themselves up, make loud, obnoxious noises, and then the others know to bow down — or there’s a battle to the death. Either way.
But the goal here is to make others take notice of you. Own lots of space with broad movements, stand with your legs apart and talk loud. They will look, they will listen.
But can you keep their attention?
3. Say no.
Show of hands if overly predictable and agreeable people stimulate you. I’m going to assume you mumbled a silent, “No” in your head.
Well guess what? You’re probably just like this. Why? Because you were raised to be "polite," which basically means to go along with other people’s flow. And who loves agreeable people the most?
Those who want to take advantage of you.
Now, you might think, “Gee golly, if I’m not agreeable then nobody will like me.” But really, people respect those who stand their ground and disagree when they feel they need to. In fact, you probably admire them.
You are also seen as a prize if you say no to offers such as dates, sales, etc. If they have to earn your "yes" then they have to earn you and that means you’re in charge.
4. Get them to do mini favours for you.
Ask a person to get you something, to hold something, tell you something, whatever. Asking for a favour is no biggie and subconsciously creates a bond with the person with whom you are asking the favour. Instincts tell them, “I’m doing something for this person, so therefore I must like them.”
It also tells anyone watching that you’re in charge because someone is serving you.
But none of this will work if you don’t . . .
5. Be friendly about It.
Disagree with people, make them do favours for you, take their possession and handle it like it’s your own — all of these things will diffuse the other person’s power, but none of that power will be transferred to you unless you’re likable.
Smile, joke and laugh, and do so sincerely. Make a game out of it. If you’re trying to seize social power for the sake of stomping the competition, then they’ll go looking for blogs like this and learn how to trump you back.
So don’t do that. Do it to put yourself on equal ground. That’s where partnerships are made, not enemies.
Main Image Photo Credit: www.bishophouse.com
Taras Babiak
Taras is a freelance blogger, video editor and screenwriter. He is the co-writer of "Made In Bali," which recently won Best Short Film of the year from the Director's Guild of Canada.