Most Promising
There are dreamers and there are doers. Hanna Simone is definitely the latter. This her second appearance on our S&S List. Not one to quit and give up at the smallest sign of defeat, Hannah has led a life of adventure from a young age. She got her start at the age of nine by performing in community theatre and moved onto only bigger things. After finishing her bachelors at the University of British Columbia, Hannah went on to pursue another BA in Radio and Television Arts at Toronto’s Ryerson University. Then she headed to the United Nations Association in London for the Model UN program before moving back to Canada. This led her to host a design show for HGTV and then to work for Canada’s largest music station, MuchMusic. Here she hosted MuchMusic Weekly and The New Music where she interviewed hundreds of artists and appeared on television specials such as MuchTalks: Climate Change and MuchTalks: AIDS. Knowing this was just the beginning of her TV career she moved to California to pursue an acting career, hosting two seasons of reality show WGC: Ultimate Gamer for the SciFi channel. Currently, she is excited to make her TV series acting debut on New Girl alongside actress Zooey Deschanel. She has also recently finished a web series H+ produced by Bryan Singer and directed by Stewart Hendler for Warner Premiere. Continuing to live and work in Los Angeles, one can only expect bigger projects heading her way, with Hannah not being one to back down from any amazing opportunities.
Zodiac sign: Leo
Relationship status: Single
Best way to unwind: TV show marathons with pizza.
Favourite Bollywood movie: Lagaan
Favourite Hollywood movie: Moonstruck
Favourite book: All of my father’s books.
Guilty pleasure: Baking rich, decadent sweets.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be and why? I would be able to transport myself instantly to where my family lives so I could see them on the weekends when I am not shooting.
What is on your iPod? Everything from the Black Keys' Brothers album to Kanye and Jay-Z’s Watch the Throne.
Something quirky about you no one would know: I am a passionate and experimental cook.
Best personal feature and why: I have no idea!
Best feature on the opposite sex: That je ne sais quoi.
Celebrity crush: I loved Richard Harris in Camelot.
If you had to choose, would it be romance or hot sex? Aren’t the two connected?
Three things you can’t live without: Food, wine and old movies.
Most memorable professional moment: Getting cast as Cece in The New Girl!
Most valuable life lesson: When you know better, you do better.
Motto you live by: Always choose love.