DJ, producer, owner of 747 Records
For a man who knows hard work pays off, it’s no surprise seeing Baba Kahn as Canada’s premiere and most celebrated club DJ. Knowing he wanted to DJ from a young age, Baba Kahn worked hard to become a mainstream phenomena and it has led him to garner thousands of fans all over the world including China, India, U.K. and the U.S. But Kahn didn’t want to stop there; he has been lauded as Canada’s number-one DJ fi ve times in his decadelong career. Taking the next step and becoming a producer, Kahn created the music group Culture Shock with Lomaticc and Sunny Brown. The trio released their first album in 2008 entitled Culture Shock East Meets West, the first South Asian mix CD, and it reached one million downloads and toured the world with pop stalwarts such as Lady Gaga and Britney Spears. Culture Shock (along with Desi Hits!) even created unique and critically acclaimed remixes of Gaga’s “Born this Way” as well as that of Spears’ “Till the World Ends” and “I Wanna Go.” It’s no surprise Baba Kahn’s schedule is packed with exciting endeavours in 2012 with a new radio show, three new music videos coming out and a Culture Shock world tour as well as an official album release of Culture Shock featuring artists Lil Jon and Nas. If all that is not an accomplishment, we don’t know what is!
Zodiac sign: Libra.
Relationship status: Married.
Best way to unwind: Watch movies in my “man-cave.”
Favourite Bollywood movie: Anything by Amitabh Bachchan.
Favourite Hollywood movie: Gladiator.
Favourite book: The Alchemist.
Guilty pleasure: Shopping for kicks.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be and why? I’d have to say I wish I could fly. How nice would it be never to take an airplane again and I could DJ in 3 different cities all in one night.
What is on your iPod? Everything. As a DJ I listen to everything. You never know where the next inspiration will come from.
Something quirky about you no one would know: I’m obsessed with my hair. I like a weekly haircut, I mean like every four days. I can’t stand when it grows an inch.
Best personal feature and why: My lips. I don’t know why; I just like ’em.
Best feature on the opposite sex: Smile.
Celebrity crush: Natalie Portman.
If you had to choose, would it be romance or hot sex? Romance gives me inspiration to write and produce music from the heart.
Three things you can’t live without: Family, home gym and home theatre.
Most memorable professional moment: Doing an after party for Lupe Fiasco and having Kanye West jump on stage forcing me to do a live show with him and then right after, Chris Brown and Rihanna jumped on stage and I deejayed a dance battle between him and Lupe Fiasco. Crazy!
Most valuable life lesson: Nothing in life is worth having if you haven’t worked hard for it.
Motto you live by: “WORK HARD, PLAY HARD.”