Life’s Cup
For me, 2006 swept in just as quickly as 2005 became a contemplative landscape. As I was sitting with my loved ones enjoying a sip or two of something or the other containing alcohol and bubbles, I was approached with the yearly question: “was your cup half full or half empty last year?” Just half listening to what was asked of me, my eyes focused first of all on the much used crystal goblet in my hand to decipher its contents, but on clarification, it was the other gem in my hands – my life and my opinion of it that was in question. If you’ve ever been asked that question even sober, you’ll know how loaded (no pun intended) it can be. But for me, whatever frame of mind I’m in, it’s never been a subject for too much personal reflection because I choose to believe that life is always full. Full of all that makes us who we are, who we want to be and who others perceive us to be.
Granted, on occasion the journey can sometimes be a trek through quicksand and a walk in the park on others, but I’m sure you’ll agree, never is there a time or moment when there is only one thing going on in our lives. It’s that which makes life complicated and not the circumstances that we are faced with that lead us to be positive or negative in our outlook. So, to clarify, if we have to deal with more than we can, our ‘cup’ can be perceived to be half empty. If we are dealing with just the right amount of things to keep us motivated, our ‘cup’ is seen to be half full.
Like life, the things that we do, also have a ‘cup’ to define. It has taken the ANOKHI Dream Team three years to define the magazine’s ‘cup’, which I am proud to say today, is brimming over with an insatiable future of boundless opportunities to promote the South Asian diaspora globally, in a time when being South Asian is more credible, recognizable and provocative than ever before!
And what better way to celebrate this than with our third anniversary issue and the evolution of our publication to ANOKHI magazine from now on!
Our mandate remains the same as always, as does the editorial template, but to celebrate this milestone anniversary, we have compiled an eclectic look at South Asians from Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. who are soaring in the mainstream, and present them to you in the ANOKHI Sexy & Successful List. Check them out, and read their inspiring stories on p. 78.
Taking a closer look at one of them, I had the opportunity to interview actress and star Sheetal Sheth of the forthcoming Albert Brooks comedy flick, Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World. As this issue’s Open Chest cover story on p. 64, she is a captivating read, as Sheth is at her most lethal best!
As always, remember, as I do, to Be UNIQUE. Be ANOKHI.
Raj Girn