Next Level You
As we embark on a new year, I realize what a crazy 2013 I had. It has been rewarding and challenging, with floods of tears (both happy and sad). Boundaries were crossed while my moral compass continued to be challenged. Every year, around this time, I do a self-audit and look at what I’ve done, should have done and could have done without. Then I focus on the next year’s possibilities that lie ahead with the simple utterance of three words: “Happy New Year.”
I don’t believe in (and can happily announce that I don’t keep) New Year’s resolutions. Well, mainly because — honestly — I have enough on my plate. Why would I, in my right mind, put myself through this publicly monitored pressure cooker? As soon as the final bell chimes, bringing in the new year, and the obligatory kiss is made, I move on to the next day because I have things to do and resolutions, which are another form of stress, aren’t one of them.
I say “No” to New Year’s resolutions but a big fat “Yes!” to the idea of self-development. I know for me, 2013 was the year where all signs were pointing towards one direction: the need to create a healthier, happier, Hina. So as soon as the leaves turned and autumn befell us, I took the seasonal transformation to heart and started private Pilates lessons. A girls’ reconnection trip to visit a dear friend in Mexico City introduced me to the world of juicing so, as soon as I returned, I bit the bullet and bought my first Bullet. This led me to focus on my overall eating habits (which, while we’re being honest here, were really bad) and phase out my bad habits and focus on the good ones. This is what I’ve been calling “Hina 2.0.” I’m focusing on the next generation version of me. I am not leaving behind or changing my core self, I’m simply evolving and tweaking — a tune-up, if you will.
Time to make time for the Next Level You.
Whether you are upgrading yourself through a new health regime or by deciding to shake things up by taking a new course or giving a new vocation a try, just taking the first step is always the best thing to do. That’s why we loved putting together our 11th Anniversary Issue. Not only is it a new year, but for us at ANOKHI it’s a whole new decade and that called for us to take our annual list to the next level. We have done exactly that by leaving behind our popular Sexy & Successful List and introducing the ANOKHI List (pages 81) where we continue to recognize global South Asians who are making a mark in their fields. Some who you know and some who we feel you should know.
We continue to bring you the hottest looks from the runways of the world (Fashion Trend Report, page 44). Didn’t get exactly what you hoped for over the holidays? Don’t worry; we have our round-up of fab stylish pieces (Monika’s Must-Haves, page 34) for you to add to your wardrobe as you map out the new year. We also zoom in on the heroines of Hollywood and Bollywood’s silver screen for the hottest beauty inspiration (Red Carpet Spotlight, page 74). You love our substantive articles and we continue to tackle the hot topics. This time, take a closer look at the hotly contested business practice of outsourcing (Outlive, Outlast, Outsource, page 172) and explore the headline-grabbing wellness issue for women (Biogenetical Hormone Replacement Therapy, page 156).
Grab your passport as we head for some fun at fab brewpubs of India (Top 5 Brewpubs of India, page 162) and take a historical journey through Trinidad and Tob ago (Jump Up!, page 160).
So as you start to fill in your brand new 2014 calendar with meetings and appointments, give yourself some pause for thought and schedule some time to allow yourself some growth — be it mental, spiritual or physical. Remember, it’s all about taking the first step towards the Next Level You.
Hina P. Ansari

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...