Actualization: Celebrating 10 Years Together!
I’ve been waiting 10 years to write this message. A message, I must be honest, I didn’t know for certain I would have had the privilege to write in the early days after I founded ANOKHI MEDIA. Why? Because I quickly became exposed to the multitude of inconceivable odds stacked heavily against us, both statistically and by default for being a pioneering initiative with no historical track record. This challenged me. But I was up for it, because there was always this belief, that if I could accept that the all-round investment of every aspect of my life was going to be in full throttle with no reprieve, somehow, someway, somewhere along the journey, it would all come together. Without this stoic belief, I don’t think I would have taken that fateful drive to the incorporation office in the summer of 2002. In fact, I know I wouldn’t have, because in those days, I was freshly divorced with a five-year-old son in tow, who to this day, remains my greatest and most celebrated achievement.
Lucky for me and the brand, and all who have shared in making it what it is today, that I never faltered from this belief, because the one thing a company definitely doesn’t need is a CEO who herself is wavering on the fence of disbelief. But I must state, I didn’t start in this game with all my ducks in a row; far from it. I didn’t know what I was or was not ‘allowed’ to do or ask for, and I’m honest about that. It served the brand well, however, because in this case, ignorance truly was a virtue, especially during the gestation period where I made decisions for the company that an in-the-know CEO would never have made. Again, luck was on my side, as these decisions proved to be exactly what was needed to propel ANOKHI MEDIA steadily and surely up the totem pole and to set sail, bound for the big wide ocean called ‘opportunity’. And as fate would have it, I was fortunate to acquire the support of a great team of believers at the helm of all departments throughout the company (pictured above). This has made for an unparalleled corporate culture throughout the years, and an innovative portfolio of media engagement platforms, which I invite you to read about on page 118; this issue’s cover story: 10 Years Of Defining An Era! The Story Of ANOKHI MEDIA.
People have asked me over the years, how I have maintained my belief with such unflinching fortitude. I’ll tell you how. As a child, I went to a school where there were no students from my culture, deep in the valleys of South Wales, U.K.. The school was of Christian denomination, so every morning during assembly, someone would read passages from the Bible. One grim morning, when I wasn’t having the best of days, I asked God what the point of it all was, and He answered right back that very morning, through a passage that was read during assembly: “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child, will never enter it” (Mark 10:15 NIV). Now for those of you who know me, you’ll know that I’m not a religious person by nature, rather, a spiritual one. I don’t follow rules of engagement; I enlist personal experiences as my standard bearer. But these words really resonated with me and have given me the solace I’ve needed all these years during the bumps in the road, remaining the very foundation upon which my belief is anchored — the belief that it’s the innocent, even the ignorant, who make the most momentous leaps of faith. It’s they who steer society to uncharted territory, to new opportunity, and to the greatest achievement of all: actualization!
But this journey that ANOKHI MEDIA has been on this past decade, is not one of solitude; just the opposite. It’s one that the global South Asian community has been on also; together, forging tides in the ocean of popular culture. Every industry has been touched by game-changing moments at the hands of innovative thinkers and doers in fashion, beauty, film, TV, music, media, business, technology and sports; more so in this decade than ever before. Duly, I wanted to dedicate this 10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition of ANOKHI Magazine to these ‘children’ of faith, whose stories have been documented in the pages of The Prestige List (on page 65): a dedicated special insert that has, since initial conception, expanded into an entire campaign with The Prestige Awards taking place during ANOKHI’s 10th Anniversary Event presented by Rowenta Beauty, on Saturday February 2nd, 2013, at the award-winning Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Toronto. Visit the official event site (www.anokhimedia.com/10thanniversaryevent) to discover who from The Prestige List will be attending, and to purchase your tickets directly online. Join us in celebrating a decade of defining an era of South Asian global success, with a red carpet reception, an awards show and an after party. It’s going to be momentous!
Here’s to the next 10 years and counting!!!
Until next time, always remember to Be UNIQUE. Be ANOKHI.
Raj Girn
Photography by Andy Lee, Hair & Makeup by Bree Powell

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/