Ride The Wave
Just like you, I was simply riveted by the unexpected, Facebook-fronted revolution in Egypt. The nation’s youth—from one Status Update to the next—reveled in their passion to get rid of the status quo, yearning for change. Their desire was infectious and we were all quickly swept up in the hot Middle Eastern-tinged winds of change. “Arab Springtime” was quickly coined reflecting the new dawn that now rises in the Middle East. Passion leaked into the rivers of the Nile, and was lovingly cradled by social media through the various online tributaries and virtual channels. It was the birth of a nation, a Revolution 2.0. Passion took the charge. And we all followed its heed.
I was immediately taken back when, not too long ago, I was in the very cradle of civilization, immersing myself in the city’s historic glory, basking in the loving nature of the Egyptians. Memories of Cairo immediately flooded my very being through every pore of my body and I quickly rushed to my jewellery box looking for my prized Cairo possession: an antique pendant that I bought from a local trader at the city’s historic Khal el-Khalili Bazaar. I grabbed hold of it, closed my eyes and immediately felt the collective heartbeats of the revolutionaries and their desire for a new day. I haven’t taken it off since, keeping it close to my heart. I think of it as my very minor contribution to the cause.
When we were putting together The Passion Issue we had no idea that such passions would arise from that part of the world. The very idea manifests itself in many beautiful forms: some can be as loud as the cheers at Tahrir Square or moving silently with deliberation as witnessed by the awe-inspiring civilized focus of the Japanese as they now come together, working to rebuild their nation with their ingrained sense of community and country.
At the end of the day, passion is what gets you out of bed. It can be anything, from being inspired by the latest collection from your favourite designer, or your favourite lipstick that gives you that added oomph to your day. Passion can also be your focus in ensuring that your charity reaches their fundraising goals. Like I said, passion comes in many forms and it is those manifestations we choose to celebrate in this issue.
As always, we at ANOKHI bring you the latest from the fashion catwalks of the world. We give you the hottest looks, accessories and tips and tricks to fortify your fashion fix (Trend Report, page 66). Get inspired by the latest from the world of beauty to get you ready for the season (Beauty page 77)
With Mother’s Day around the corner, we bring you fabulous beauty tips for busy moms (and the rest of us) on the go. (Beauty Clinic, page 82). In this issue, we gave a charity spin to our Percolator Talk section, by focusing on two internationally acclaimed charities that give back—one community at a time (Yes We Can, page 122; Turning the Page, page 124).
For those who are looking to fuel their passion for business, we proudly introduce our brand new Business Section (page 127) where among our business- and finance-related stories, we ask the leading female business leaders on their tips to getting your start-up up and running (Woman Inc. page 130).
As the youth of Egypt reminds us, the power of your passion should never be underestimated or dismissed.
Let your passion take you to your next destination of fulfillment. Now is the time to embrace it and celebrate it.
Hina P. Ansari

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...