Passion Is Power
As a media entrepreneur, I am very familiar with the world of being my own boss. It can be both a blessing and a curse. However, luckily for me the former definitely outweighs the latter. When you go out there — on your own — your survival instincts kick in. You push aside any sense of hesitation and rally forth. You need to. You have to. No one else will tout your laurels; that’s your job.
The often bandied-about term “branding” usually leaves a lot to be defined. To put it simply, it’s understanding your expertise and making sure that your business moves are aligned with your vision and, most of all, creating awareness about yourself and your work.
Passion is paramount. You have to love what you do. It seems quite obvious, but through my 15-plus years of experience as a publishing executive, I have witnessed many instances where the drive for the dollar outweighed the passion leaving the entrepreneur scratching their head in bewilderment at why they continue to flounder. And always remember that in this media- and consumer-savvy world, posers can be spotted a mile away. It’s an identity that sticks. So ask yourself. Are you a poser or are you truly passionate?
It is this sense of achievement that we take into consideration when creating our annual Sexy & Successful List as part of our 9th Anniversary Issue. Every year we aim to cover those who are truly passionate at what they do and this year we have narrowed down our search to key players in the world of business, entertainment, literature and corporations. They truly inspire us, and we know they will inspire you.
Our 9th Anniversary Issue is filled to the brim with the latest from the worlds of fashion, style, beauty, entertainment and lifestyle, and of course, we tackle hardhitting social topics. Yes, winter is upon us, but that shouldn’t stop us from dreaming about spring. Our spring previews (“Fashion Spring Preview”, page 37, “Ramp To Reality”, page 63) offer the proverbial light at the end of the cold, wintery tunnel. That said, the current season brings forth incredible collection of must-haves that we feel you should definitely stock up on (“Monika’s Must-Haves”, page 30); they’re all deliciously suited to carry you through the next few months.
We continue to fearlessly tackle issues that concern our day-to-day living. We have tips on how to handle that special person in your life (“Monster-In-Law”, page 128). We take a closer look at the current Bollywood phenomenon with non-South Asians being big players in that industry (“The Outsiders”, page 134), yet another example of the Indian film industry’s disappearing borders. And our lifestyle section bursts at the seams with fabulous home décor ideas to get you set for the New Year (“Tips & Tricks”, page 126).
As always, the New Year brings forth a chance to freshen, brighten and invigorate. In this spirit, we have taken this opportunity to heart. With our inspirations as our guide, we present to you a newly designed, re-energized and revitalized ANOKHI Magazine.
So now that the holidays are behind you, and you are set to tackle another fabulous year, keep one thing in mind: Passion gets you everywhere.
Hina P. Ansari

Hina P. Ansari
Hina P. Ansari is a graduate from The University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario). Since then she has carved a successful career in Canada's national fashion-publishing world as the Entertainment/Photo Editor at FLARE Magazine, Canada's national fashion magazine. She was the first South Asian in...