Imran Khan is the Punjabi pop singer to listen to these days. With the huge smash hit, “Ni Nachleh” under his belt, this Pakistani singer has solidified his presence on the music scene. The music video has had over 1.5 million hits on YouTube. Khan then raised it up one notch with the sensational single, “Amplifier,” featuring his signature style of fast-paced Punjabi singing. Another track, “Gora Gora Rang” garnered over 500 thousand hits following its unofficial release on YouTube. His 2009 album, Unforgettable was nominated for ‘Best Album Of The Year’ at the Urban Music Awards and hit the number five spot on the iTunes UK world top 10 albums in its first five days of release. Khan was born in Holland and lived in The Hague, but currently resides in London. Growing up, Khan had to choose between professional basketball and singing. The decision was made when Khan sung a song for Shahid Mazhar, CEO of Prestige Records who encouraged him to continue singing and signed him onto the label. Khan’s unique take on the Desi House sub genre has become very popular. He plans to release more singles in 2010 and will also go on tour—dates and locations still to be announced.
Zodiac sign: Gemini.
Relationship status: Single.
Best way to unwind: To pray and meditate.
Fave Bollywood movie: Don’t watch Bollywood movies.
Favourite Hollywood movie: Saw 6.
Favourite book: Don’t get the chance to read books with my schedule. I get through a lot of magazines though while I’m travelling.
Guilty pleasure: Buying clothes.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be and why? I’d be invisible and go to banks and give the money to all the poor people.
What is on your iPod? “Shingaling” by Jean-Claude Ades, “Return the Favour” by Keri Hilson, and “Ready” by Ryan Leslie.
Something quirky about yourself no one would know: I only eat blue M&M’s.
Best personal feature: Patience.
Best feature on the opposite sex: Eyes.
Celebrity crush: Eva Mendes.
If you had to choose, would it be Romance or Hot Sex? Romance.
Three things you can’t live without: Blackberry, music, food.
Most memorable professional moment: Seeing the first copy of my debut album being pressed.
Most valuable life lesson: Stay humble, no matter how big a superstar you become. Always remain humble and grounded.
Motto you live by: Life Da…