Do you ever feel that an entire year has gone by and you don’t really feel that you performed to your best capabilities – the proverbial “higher level” performance we’re always hearing about and reading about? On initial thought, 2011 was that year for me. I spent so much time planning what to do that before I knew it, 2012 was knocking at my heels. Of course I’m not undermining the importance of planning because it’s arguably one of the most important parts of any process to fruition. It’s the part where, at least in my world, where I delve into all aspects of my consciousness cocktail – peripheral, sub and super, to ascertain the variables associated with a particular goal that I’m looking to set and accomplish; be it professional (80% of where my effort goes), personal (10%) or undecided (10%).
As Kahlil Gibran once said: “The significance of a man (woman) is not in what he (she) attains but in what he (she) longs to attain”. It’s what keeps us edging forward, always onto bigger and better things.
Upon closer look, I realized that I had in fact performed many “higher level” tasks but they weren’t for the purpose of actualization per say, rather, for conceptualization. So, with that said, I’m pleased to say that 2012 for me, is going to be full-throttle actualization of what I’ve spent 2011 planning. A part of that process will be to better balance my professional and personal life – more quality performance on a professional front (I’m always reaching for more in this regard with each passing year), thus allowing for more quantity time on the personal front. Moreover, I’m going to insist on cultivating my personal relationships with far more vigor this year, as I've come to realize that happiness, peace and overall well-being needs a real healthy dose of personal engagement (something we all know but not all of us give practical importance to, me included).
But I must add, looking back over all that I’ve been involved in last year and all that I will be involved in this year, the verdict is that I’m overjoyed at another year of trekking through the varied labyrinths of life that have brought me here; another year of moving life onward and upward.
Professionally, I will be focussing on moving the ANOKHI multimedia brand more aggressively into the online and mobile space (now that the planning has been done), thus allowing for more interaction with you all, with a greater sense of frequency than ever before – wherever you may be and however you may prefer to connect with us. Look out for the first instalment to be launched in late spring. Additionally, I’ll be working more actively on the OPEN CHEST brand to bring you all more variety of subject matter beyond the celebrity quotient, by launching conversations and discussions with everyday people like you and me.
This milestone issue of ANOKHI Magazine – our 9th Anniversary Collector’s Edition, we showcase and celebrate the tremendous successes of our global community in our annual Sexy & Successful List, by highlighting those individuals, predominantly in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and India, who we feel deserve recognition and should be on your radar if they’re not already. Take a look at who made the list this year on page 80.
In conjunction with the release of this much anticipated issue, on behalf of Anokhi Media Corp., I’d like to personally invite each and everyone of you to a fabulous themed party in honour of this milestone: Johnnie Walker Presents ANOKHI’s “Bollywood In Vegas Night Out” Experience In Association With Rowenta Beauty on Friday February 3, 2012 at Maro Supper Club In Toronto. For more information on this exciting event, a list of performers & attending celebrities, as well as to reserve your tickets, please log on to: www.anokhimagazine.com/annualevent2012. TRUST ME, it’s going to be THE party experience of 2012. For those of you who are joining us from out-of-town, we have a special hotel discount rate that you can take advantage of, so check out the site link above to access and book your stay.
And don’t forget to take advantage of our 2-in-1 freebie: FREE weekly newsletter & FREE lifetime subscription to ANOKHI Magazine’s digital edition. Log on to confirm you’re on our list: www.anokhimagazine.com/free-gift-newsletter-subscribers. And of course, we’re always accessible via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vimeo & Flickr, search ANOKHI MEDIA!
To end off, I’d like to take a special moment to recognize all of the people without whom ANOKHI would not and could not exist…
– The ANOKHI Management, Content & Production Dream Team; – Our Advertisers & Sponsors; – Our Partners & Affiliates; – Our ANOKHI public…that’s YOU!
As always, we LOVE your feedback on all that we do here at ANOKHI to add value to your everyday life experience. Email us at: [email protected].
Until next time, always remember, to
Raj Girn
Photography : Tony Di Lorenzo, Creative Director : Hina P. Ansari, Stylist: Femida Sidi
Hair: Fiorio Hair Salon, Make Up: Vasanti Cosmetics, Clothing : Raj’s Own

Raj Girn
Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/